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Frakes explains the real meaning of disparity

Voice of Our Readers

To the Editor:
Have you heard about this Kaepernick dude? Professional football player who won’t stand for the National Anthem because of what he perceives as racial injustice?
Hello! This guy plays in the NFL. Let’s talk real disparity.
Racial disparity: How many white faces do you see in the huddle?
Gender disparity: How many women do you see in the huddle?
Physical disparity: How many 5’10” 180-lb. people do you see in the huddle?
Business disparity: When I was in business, I know that if I sold a product or service that injured a customer or employee once every ten years, I would have been fined or shut down. In the NFL they haul off people by the truckload! Every game! OSHA — that’s only for the common people.
So ... now we have this privileged football player dishonoring the men, women, black, white, Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans who sacrificed, sometimes everything, so this guy could be a nitwit. Oh, poor baby!
Bill Frakes

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