The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older.
The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 8, 1943.
This article is continued from last week’s edition of the Star Herald about L. G. Larson.
Remembers Storms
Mr. Larson spent part of the memorable blizzard of 1888 in the school building of what is now district 44 in Beaver Creek township. For some reason, most of the smaller children had remained at home that day, and only the older boys were there. When the storm rose, and they say they were unable to walk home, they decided to spend the night there. Among the pupils were Tom Arneson, Ole Eide, John Engelson and several others in addition to Mr. Larson. The following morning, Sam Hendershoot, a farmer living about a half mile away, brought them hot biscuits for breakfast.
Worked in a Store
After completing his rural school education, Mr. Larson attended Decorah Institute, Decorah, Iowa, for two years.I stayed at home until I was 21, and then I decided I’d like to work in a store. I got a job in Garretson where I stayed a year and then got so lonesome that I quit. Then I went to Bradley, near Watertown, S.D., and got another store job, and the same thing happened. From there I went to Webster where I worked for a while, and I finally decided I wasn’t cut out to be a storekeeper.
“I then thought I’d try my luck at teaching school, and I was hired providing the former teacher didn’t return. It looked pretty bright for a while, until she finally told the board she was coming back, and then I was left without a thing to fall back on. I tramped two whole weeks over the Sisseton reservation looking for a job and didn’t find a thing.
Luck Changed
“My luck changed, however, because I managed to get a job teaching in a Norwegian parochial school at $25 for the month. That really looked good for me, because I didn’t have a penny to my name.
“They must have liked me, because I got a job teaching in the public school in what was known as the Hegna district near Wallace, S.D., and kept it four years.”
In July 1898, Mr. Larson was married to Alma Hegna in Dexler township, Codington county, S.D. He states he had $14 in his pocket at the time, and $5 of it went to the minister who performed the ceremony. On their wedding trip, they went from Watertown to Booge, arriving there just in time to take in a big July Fourth celebration at the Lars Pederson grove. Although he and Mrs. Larson had originally planned to return to South Dakota, they never did and have lived in Rock county ever since.
Retired in 1938
They rented land and farmed for eight years, and then moved to their present home on the northwest quarter of section 1, range 47 in Beaver Creek township, in 1905. In 1908 and 1909, Mr. Larson taught school in district 22 in Beaver Creek township, and after that continued to farm until he retired five years ago. He and Mrs. Larson still live on the home farm, however.
A member of the Palisade Lutheran church, Mr. Larson has served as treasurer of the congregation for many years and is the present vice-president. He also served as treasurer of the school district, and has been assessor for Beaver Creek township for 10 years.
He and Mrs. Larson became the parents of three sons, and one daughter, all of whom are living. They are: Rev. Elmer Larson, pastor of a Lutheran church at Ada, Minn.; Mrs. Arthur (Mabel) Edmundson, who lives on a farm; and Herman Larson, dean of voice at Oklahoma University, Norman, Okla.
Mr. Larson has two brothers, both of whom live in Beaver Creek township, and one sister, Mrs. Ole Ormseth, Luverne.
He attributes his long life to clean living, doing very little worrying and working hard always.
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Mann welcomes correspondence sent to mannmade@iw.net.