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1902: Church representatives meet, decide fate of future union meetings

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 19, 1902:
Union Services at the Park
A meeting of representatives from the different churches was held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church last Monday evening and the question of holding union meetings in the park similar to those held last year was considered. After a thorough discussion it was decided that union meetings be held during July and August. The services will be held on the Sabbath at 4 o’clock. Committees on program, music, grounds, finance and advertising were appointed, also an executive committee consisting of the pastors of the churches, and the following L.C. Hodgson, J.D. Kibbee, R.H. Holcombe and Rev. E.H. Bronson to have a general supervision of the work. It was the earnest wish of the meeting that these services should prove a source of much blessing to the citizens of Luverne and surrounding country. The first service will be held Sunday July 7th of which special announcement will be made later.

Birthday card campaign raises $70,000 for Historical Center; anonymous match makes total $140,000

Dear Rock County readers:
People who know me know that history has been a passion of mine for nearly my entire life. That's why it's been so gratifying to see that I'm not alone in my mission to preserve our Rock County history and to establish a fitting home for local artifacts and information.
The History Center, which will open soon in the former Ford Motors building on East Main Street, will be a dream come true for me and for other local history supporters. It will mean we can showcase important pieces of our past and it will mean all visitors — even those with mobility problems — will be able to easily access the beautiful and informative displays.
The History Center is truly a lifesaver for preserving Rock County's life story. I'm writing today to personally thank each and every precious individual and business for your generous donations to the project. Donations from individuals and businesses total $70,000, with the match from an anonymous donor bringing the total to $140,000.
I am deeply touched by the personal notes of encouragement that accompanied financial donations in the recent birthday card fund drive for the History Center.
I've always said “history matters,” because in order to move our community in a successful direction for the future, we need to understand our past and the major events and decisions that shaped who and what we are today.
Thank you, thank you for sharing this mission with me and our Historical Society team. Your gifts will become part of a lasting legacy in Rock County.
I'm hoping people continue to support the History Center effort. There is still a great deal of work that needs to be done, and donations are still needed. Tax-deductible contributions to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to 123 N. Freeman Ave., Luverne, MN 56156.
Betty Mann, Luverne
Rock County Historical Society President

1927: Special Community Club program honors 150th anniversary of the Stars and Strips

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 10, 1927:
Observance of 150th Anniversary to be Carried Out at Luverne Commercial Club Rooms June 14th
Next Tuesday, June 14th, is the 150th anniversary of the adoption of the United States flag by congress and the day will be observed in this city by a Flag day program at the Luverne Commercial Club rooms, commencing at 8:15 that evening.
This program is to be put on under the auspices of the Commercial Club, assisted by Dell-Hogan Post No. 123, American Legion, Women’s Auxiliary, Grand Army of the Republic, Women’s Relief Corps, Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls, and from present indications it will be one well worthy of attendance.
It has not been customary for a number of years to observe Flag day with a special program, but it is thought likely that it will become an annual event in the future. This year’s program is being arranged largely through suggestions made by C. E. McMillan.
A program of twelve numbers will be given, opening with the raising of the flag by a group of Boy Scouts. Following the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner” by the audience, and invocation by Rev. Geo. M.W. Fulcomer, Mr. McMillan will give a short history of the flag. Mrs. Zillah E. Wilson will give a reading, “The Flag is Passing By,” and Mr. McMillan will give a toast to the flag. Other numbers on the program are a vocal solo by Mrs. George W. Fried, a flag drill by the drill team of the Degree of Honor Protective association, and the exercises will close with “America” by the audience.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to

1922: Dedication of new Masonic Hall featured Grand Lodge officiate

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 2, 1922:
Handsome New Home of Luverne Masonic Orders Consecrated to Masonic Uses Wednesday
Many From Adjoining Towns Assemble to Witness Simple but Impressive Ceremonies
With deeply impressive services, Luverne’s handsome new Masonic hall was formally dedicated Wednesday evening, the services being conducted by officers of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Minnesota. The services were witnessed by about two hundred and fifty members of the local Masonic orders and members of Masonic orders of other towns in this section.
John W. Ulrich, worshipful master of Ben Franklin Lodge, No. 114, A. F. & A. M. presided over the exercises and later introduced the various speakers.
The officers of the grand lodge who conducted the services were: Herman Held, Mankato, grand master; D. M. Knowlton, Minneapolis, grand treasurer; John Fishel, St. Paul, grand secretary; Hayden French, Ortonville, grand junior warden; L. F. Pray, Minneapolis, grand senior warden; and G. F. Streater, Winona, grand marshall. These officials were assisted by past worshipful masters of Ben Franklin lodge and other Blue lodges in this vicinity, the worshipful masters by right of office being members of the grand lodge, and by a quartette, composed of Mrs. G. W. Fried, Miss Mary Aldrich, Mr. James Horne and Mr. L. H. Jones, which sang the odes forming a part of the service.
At the close of the services Grand Master Held announced that Mr. Ulrich had been elected an officer of the grand lodge of Minnesota, an honor that is accorded but few as there are only seventeen grand officers in the state, and as the grand lodge was then and there in session he would duly install the new officer. The office to which Mr. Ulrich was elected was grand pursuivant and he was duly installed.
Following these ceremonies, short and appropriate addresses were made by Messers. Held, Knowlton, Fishel, B. H. Timberlake of Minneapolis, and C. O. Wright of this city. Mr. Timberlake is secretary of the Masonic Home association and he devoted his talk largely to explanation of the plans for the proposed state home. Dr. Wright confined his talk to a brief history of the Masonic order in Luverne, in which he brought out that Ben Franklin lodge was organized in January, 1875.
An excellent luncheon was served all present in the dining room on the first floor of the temple following the exercises, and this in turn was followed by dancing.
Among those from out of town in attendance at the exercises were Masons and members of their families from Worthington, Windom, Heron Lake, Adrian, Wilmont, Hills, Beaver Creek and Ashcreek.
Warm praise was voiced by the officers of the grand lodge for the members of the local Masonic orders for the enterprise shown by them in the erection of the handsome and commodious temple, which they declared to be one of the finest in the state outside of the large cities.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to

1922: Burlgars take everything but the safe from Kanaranzi

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 12, 1922:
Pry Into Drawers, Desks and Safety Boxes; Cut Through Vault Wall — Safe Unmolested
Gaining entrance in the building by breaking out a glass in the front door, the Farmers State bank, at Kanaranzi, was burglarized Friday night. Everything except the safe, was pretty thoroughly ransacked, but the burglars only secured $382.00 in the form of cash and war savings stamps.
Of the swag secured, $300.00 was in war savings stamps, removed from private boxes, and $82.00 was in small change, pennies, nickels and dimes.
The robbery was discovered Saturday morning when Cashier Joy Baker opened the institution, his attention being first attracted to the broken door glass and then to the letters and other matter that had been taken out of desks and strewn upon the floor.
It was found that after ransacking the desks and drawers the yeggmen had chiseled their way through the two-foot brick wall into the vault from the private room of the bank, the hole being cut large enough to enable a man to crawl through.
Not finding anything of much value in this vault proper, the robbers forced open the private safety deposit boxes, and thus obtained a few liberty bonds and a small amount of property of not a great deal of value.
The greatest loss was due to the damage done to the fixtures and equipment in prying desks, drawers and safety deposit boxes open, but the entire loss sustained by the bank will not exceed $400, which is fully covered by insurance.
Before forcing an entrance to the bank, the burglars had apparently gone to the Rock Island railway’s section house, and secured pinch bars, a maul and other tools with which to work.
The fact that the bank building is situated somewhat apart from other buildings, is thought to have materially aided the robbers in working without their presence in the building becoming known.
 In some of the safety boxes the yeggs found registered liberty bonds, and they displayed a keen sense of discrimination by leaving these on the floor of the vault.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society Endowment Fund can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to

1922: Businesses gather for bargain day sale

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 5, 1922:
Next Wednesday, May 10th, Will Be Big Bargain Sale Day in Luverne
Sixty-one Business Houses Join in Holding Community Sale Day, All to Offer Special Bargains in Seasonable Merchandise
Sixty-one of the business houses of Luverne have united for the purpose of making next Wednesday, May 10, a community sale day — a day of unexcelled bargains for those who wish to buy.
Almost without exception, each one of the sixty-one business places will quote unusually low prices on at least one article of their stock in trade, and in most instances prices have been slashed deeply on several articles of seasonable demand.
In short, the day will be one when rock-bottom prices prevail on innumerable necessities of life, but to definitely ascertain just how great a saving will be possible to shoppers, one must turn to the double page advertisement which appears elsewhere in this issue and carefully read the uniformly sized announcements in which the different concerns make their bid or patronage.
Genuine, money saving prices are the fundamental principle back of the project, and the present plans provide for holding one similar event each month throughout the summer and fall, if the plan proves satisfactory.
In keeping with the plan of having the stores remain open Wednesday evening, which was inaugurated this week, the business places will be open in the evening on Community sale day for the accommodation of those who are not served during the day.
The evening, however, will not be the most advantageous time to profit by the special prices, for this is really arranged for as recreation period, and following the supper hour an open-air concert will be given and a pavement dance held. Matinee picture programs will be shown at both theatres during the afternoon at greatly reduced prices for the entertainment of those who finish their trading early.
But the predominating contention is that it’s going to pay for everyone to shop in Luverne next Wednesday.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society Endowment Fund can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to

1922: Nobles County orders concrete, Sioux City orders crushed stone from Rock County manufacturers

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on April 28, 1922:
National Concrete Co. Secures $36,000 Tile Order; Quartzite Quarries, Inc., Sells 200 Carloads Crushed Rock
Two of Luverne’s manufacturing concerns, the National concrete Materials Co., and the Quartzite Quarries, Inc., have secured substantial contracts for their products during the past week.
The National Concrete Materials Co., was awarded a $36,000 contract for drainage pipe as a part of a $69,000 drainage system project let last week by the Nobles county board of commissioners.
The Quartzite Quarries, Inc., contract consists of an order secured this week by Manager Harper Shaffer for about two hundred carloads of crushed rock, to be shipped to Omaha, Neb., for use on the roads of Douglas county. An order also was secured for crushed rock to be shipped to Sioux City.
It is expected that operations will be started at the stone crushing plant sometime during the coming week, or not later than May 1.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society Endowment Fund can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to