Nicole Woodley
- By Lori SorensonJanuary 31, 2024Cervical cancer is the fourth most common form cause of death for women. Breast cancer, lung cancer and uterine cancer are the deadliest, followed by cervical cancer. However, uterine and cervical cancer comprise 50 percent of cancers in women in the United States, and they are the deadliest in third-world countries due to lack of screening. There are 11,000 new cervical cancer diagnoses…
- By Nicole Woodley, Luverne native and current resident physician at the University of Minnesota, MinneapolisApril 04, 2016Preventing chronic illness and treatable diseases is necessary for supporting our long-term health and wellness. Over 70 percent of Minnesotans have a dedicated health care and dental professional, and along with personal health goals and responsibility, this is one of the most important factors that has led to Minnesota becoming the fourth-healthiest state in the nation. The University of…
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