- By Troy Thone, Luverne volunteer weather recorderJuly 11, 2016After a brief respite of cooler-than-normal weather in May, June returned to this year's pattern of above-normal temperatures with average highs breaking the 80-degree barrier and average lows nearing the 60-degree mark. Overall, temperatures were nearly 3 degrees above normal with one particular stretch of four days where the mercury breached 90 degrees, rising as high as 95 on a couple of…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistMay 16, 2016Spring is always a time of transitioning from winter to summer and this year has been no different. The weeks of warm weather have teased us into thinking we were pretty much past the last frost, but then reality scared us … maybe me especially … my casualties were limited, but there were some where the wind removed the protection. And so we go on. The new growth called candles have fully…
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