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  • September 17, 2024
    Continental Western Group (CWG), a Berkley company, has been named in the annual Best Places to Work in Insurance program. The program recognizes employers for outstanding performance in establishing workplaces “where employees can thrive, enjoy their work, and help their companies grow.” This is the third time in a row that Continental Western Group has been recognized for this achievement.…
  • By Mavis Fodness
    August 28, 2024
    A stretch of North Kniss Avenue (Highway 75) in Luverne received a temporary fix to smooth the bumpy surface. A paving crew with the Minnesota Department of Transportation spent Wednesday, Aug. 21, wedge-paving the right-hand wheel track on both the northbound and southbound lanes from Dodge Street north to Veterans Drive. The work is the result of the annual visit of MnDOT District 7 engineer…
  • By Lori Sorenson
    November 08, 2023
    Rehabilitation of the historic Spring Brook Bridge began last week in Beaver Creek, and the gravel road east of town will be closed for several weeks until work is complete. The bridge had been showing signs of wear — cracking, pitting and some erosion underneath — and the Rock County Highway Department received grant funding to repair the historic structure. Prahm Construction, Slayton,…
  • October 03, 2016
    To the Editor: On behalf of the businesses and citizens of Luverne, we would like to thank the city of Luverne (council, administration and public works) for carrying through with the Luverne Gateway Project prioritized in the community revitalization plan adopted by citizens in 2010. Over six years ago on a snowy winter night, almost 200 community members met at the Blue Mound Banquet Center…
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