- June 18, 2019To the Editor: I appreciated Lori Sorenson’s June 13 article on the meeting that Congressman Hagedorn held to discuss agricultural issues. I also attended that meeting June 7. It was really surprising to hear a “conservative” Republican defend federal payments to farmers as the solution to markets impacted by trade tariffs. Most farmers don’t want handouts; they just want their markets back. It’…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 11, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 4, 1896: STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1896 The Total Acreage of Various Farm Products, the Number of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, and Other Facts of Interest—Some Comparisons With the Statistics for 1895 The agricultural statement of Rock county for the year 1896, prepared by the county auditor from the statistics gathered by the…
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