- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 05, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 18, 1902. This is continued from the March 31 edition of the Star Herald. Summer Training School For Teachers of Rock County and Vicinity—Four Weeks’ Term Begun Monday. READING. The study of some good selection as Vision of Sir Launfal. With this I plan to give outlines of work from Clark on “How to Teach Reading” applying the steps from…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 29, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 18, 1902. Summer Training School For Teachers of Rock County and Vicinity—Four Weeks’ Term Begun Monday. The Rock County Summer Training school for teachers opened Monday in the High school room with Prof. E. M. Phillips, of Albert Lea as conductor, and Estella Scofield, of Ortonville, F. E. George, of Pipestone, and Ella Probst, of…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 22, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 4, 1902. Condition of the Crops. The Reports are Generally Encouraging Recent Rain and Warm Weather Have Given Vigorous Impetus to the Growing Grain and Wrought Marked Improvement in the General Crop Conditions—Interviews with Well-Informed Farmers and Land Owners. Another heavy rain Tuesday night, followed Wednesday by sunshine and higher…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 15, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 13, 1902. Relic hunters have been busy the past week unearthing Indian skeletons which were discovered by a road crew engaged in excavating a road through Kanaranzi hill, about two miles north of town, says the Rock Rapids Review. “The skeletons found are similar to those found in the mounds on the Sioux river in the west part of the county…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 08, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 23, 1902. Luverne Was Victorious At the Inter-Scholastic Athletic Meet The Luverne High School Team Captured Everything Worth Having and for the First Time Wrested the Championship from Marshall—Special Credit for the Victory Due to Hyke and Hulett—Royal Reception for the Victors. Luverne’s High school team returned from the 4th annual field…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 01, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on March 28, 1902. Money for the Schools March Appointment of the School Fund Made on a Basis of $1.43 for Each of the 2,281 Scholars in the County The semi-annual apportionment of public school funds was made by County Auditor C. S. Bruce and Treasurer P. O. Skyberg according to the provisions of the statutes on the 26th of this month. The total…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 22, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 21, 1902. Breeders Association Officers Elected and By-Laws Adopted—Next Meeting March 15 The meeting of the Breeders’ association was held at the court room last week, when constitution and by-laws were adopted and an executive committee elected. J. B. Dunn was elected vice president and N. R. Reynolds recorder. Members of the executive…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 15, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 17, 1902. Rural Route Established Will Begin Operations First of March Hon. Gilbert Gutterson, Special Agent of the Department, Goes Over the Route and Makes Appointment of Carrier and Substitute—Route Will be Twenty-Five Miles Long and Will Serve More Than One Hundred Families. The first rural free delivery route to be established in this…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 08, 2022The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 10, 1902. After Twenty-Seven Years William F. Brown, the First Settler to Prove Up on a Rock County Claim, Visits the Scene of His Early Residence Residents of Rock county, enjoying as they do more of the advantages and benefits of a well settled, cultured and prosperous community than many older communities, are apt to forget how short a…
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