Sarah Scott
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianOctober 11, 2022The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 13, 1943, and is continued from last week’s issue. (Continued from last week, featuring Mrs. Sarah Scott.) She remembers how two small boys who…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianOctober 04, 2022The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 13, 1943, and is continued from last week’s issue. The Biblical prophecy “there shall be wars and rumors of wars,” may be just another…
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