10 years ago (2013)
•Rock County Commissioners approved $100,000 for the purchase of pictography services from Pictometry International Corp.
The New York-based company provides high-resolution aerial photography from images taken at a 40-degree angle from low-flying airplanes.
The photographs show buildings, infrastructure and land parcels from all sides at a resolution more than three times higher than a standard photograph.
The company’s customers include state and local governments who use the images for planning and development, property assessment and emergency response.
The detailed aerial photographs are also used commercially by insurance companies, real estate interests, utilities and others.
25 years ago (1998)
•Luverne Police Chief Keith Aanenson’s retirement marks the end of an era in Luverne. With joint law enforcement, he will go down in history as the last police chief to serve the city of Luverne.
According to national statistics, the average professional will change jobs seven times in the course of a career. Luverne’s Keith Aanenson is not one of those statistics.
Born and raised in Rock County, Aanenson has worked for the Luverne Police Department for nearly 31 years — 18 years as police chief. Through his length of service, Aanenson has become a local legend: the man in uniform behind the wheel of the blue and white Chevy Blazer.
As Aanenson rings in the new year, he’ll hand over his badge, uniform, firearm and the keys to the department’s new Ford Explorer. At age 55, he’ll retire from police work to join the ranks of plain-clothes civilians.
50 years ago (1973)
•Dedication services for the new Bernhard Tuff Memorial Chapel in Hills will be held this Sunday, Jan. 7, at 2:30 p.m. at the Tuff Home, according to administrator James D. Iverson.
The chapel is the result of a gift made early in 1972 by Mrs. Alfrieda Tuff of Hills. The gift was to be used for the construction of a permanent chapel to be dedicated to the memory of her late husband, Bernhard Tuff. Mr. Tuff was a brother to the founder of the home, Gilbert Tuff.
75 years ago (1948)
•Kenneth Beelmann, farmer living south of Luverne, who plans to move to Luverne soon, was granted permission to erect a motel on South Kniss avenue. The motel will be comprised of seven cabins, built of brick and tile. It will be directly across the street from the present motel, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Winkler.
100 years ago (1923)
•A total of two hundred four carloads of livestock, consisting of 184 carloads of hogs, and 20 carloads of cattle, were shipped to markets during the year 1922 by the Luverne Cooperative shipping association, for which $291,719.70 was received, according to the reports of the past year’s business submitted by Manager Fred Luitgens, at the annual meeting of the members of this association held Wednesday afternoon at the court house.
On this volume of business the manager received a commission of 7 cents per cwt., making an average of $11.07 per carload, or a salary for the year of $2,360.66, while the sinking fund of 1½ cents per hundred amounted to $2.86 per carload, which amounted to $589.94. This made the total local expense for handling the 204 carloads $2,950.60, leaving a balance of $288,769.10 for the producers of the livestock.
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