10 years ago (2013)
•Forty-seven members of the Blue Mound Figure Skating Club competed at the Frosty Blades competition at the Schwan Super Rink in Blaine Feb. 8-10. The BMFSC successfully defended their 2012 championship by topping the 20-team field with 767 points. Second place went to NSC Schwan Rink with 55 skaters and 581 points. Third place went to Sioux Falls with 32 skaters and 504 points. The next competition for the BMFSC is Blades of March event staged at Parade Garden in Minneapolis the first weekend in March.
25 years ago (1998)
•With boosts from private business, volunteers, an extra city donation and a possible no-interest loan, Luverne baseball players could set their spikes on an irrigated, freshly sodded, new baseball diamond this spring.
Jerry Buss of McClure Plumbing and Heating volunteered to acquire at cost and help install sprinkler equipment for the Luverne Baseball Association and the city diamond. Buss said he did not have an exact estimate from his suppliers, but it would probably cost less than half of earlier estimates. The Association would provide labor for the installation, under supervision of his son, to help reduce the cost.
50 years ago (1973)
•Lexia Van Wyhe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Van Wyhe of Steen, was chosen as FFA Sweetheart of Hills-Beaver Creek High School for the 1972-1973 school year. Miss Van Wyhe is active in chorus, president of the band and is a member of GRA and FHA. Lexia was selected from three candidates. The other candidates were Marcia Boeve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boeve; and Becky Leuthold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leuthold.
75 years ago (1948)
•The well-known Galloping Gophers basketball team, which includes several University of Minnesota football players, will perform here Sunday. The team will meet the Luverne American Legion team at 2:30 p.m. in the high school gymnasium, and a fast game of basketball is anticipated.
Listed on the Gopher line-up are: Chuck Dellago, Larry Olsonaski, Larry Hallenkemp, Capt. Steve Silianoff and Harold Olson.
Playing on the Luverne team will be Joh Reimer, Ace Canfield, Melvin Smook, Keith Connell, Howard Helling, Leonard Hansen, Bob Meyer, Bob Wildung, and perhaps several others.
100 years ago (1923)
•The “cold” epidemic which has been sweeping over the country during the past few weeks seems to be keeping up to the original firm hold which it had gained here. This probably is due now to the unusually severe spell of cold weather which descended upon Rock County this week, and took many unawares.
Report from the high school and from the graded school are to the effect that although coughs and colds appear to be just as prevalent as heretofore the attacks are not so severe, and daily absences have decreased somewhat in number.
On Wednesday, session was dismissed at the Central building because of the extremely cold weather, which made it impossible to heat the building sufficiently for the comfort of the occupants. The building is cold and hard to heat, and several times during the previous winters it has been necessary to do likewise.
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