10 years ago (2012)
•Rock County residents and their holiday guests are encouraged to visit the third floor of the Rock County Veterans Memorial Building this month.
The Herreid Military Museum Task Force announced this week that the Heritage Gallery — the third floor exhibit — will close on Dec. 31.
The displays on the third floor of the former jail building next to the courthouse were set up to tell the story of life in Rock County from 1938 through 1948.
The exhibit, “Together We Stood: Rock County 1930-1948,” illustrates what life was like at home in Rock County during World War II. …
After Dec. 31, the gallery will be dismantled to make way for an expanded exhibit featuring the stories of military service from the Korean War to the present.
25 years ago (1997)
•To say the local Dollars for Scholars chapter received a generous Christmas gift this week would be an understatement. A check for $500,000 from Vernon Aanenson St. Paul, a 1932 Luverne High School graduate, was deposited into the local account Tuesday.
Aanenson has owned Old Dutch Foods in St. Paul since 1952. He said he gave the money because he wanted to invest in the future of LHS graduates. “I’m a Rock County kid, you know,” Aanenson said Tuesday in a telephone interview. “I’m doing very well in business, and I thought I’d so something for future graduates of Luverne.”
50 years ago (1972)
•Joe Malone will be installed Thursday night as worshipful master of Ben Franklin Lodge No. 114 A.F. & A.M. at the Masonic Temple. He will succeed LeRoy Luitjens as head of the organization.
Other officers to be installed are: Norm Wessels, senior warder; Don Briggs, junior deacon; Gerrit Van Engelenhoven, senior steward; Louis Sargent, secretary; Allison Ordung, treasurer; Phil Ordung, marshal; Jess Searles, chaplain. Keith Brooks will be the installing officer.
75 years ago (1947)
•The newly appointed Luverne hospital committee didn’t waste any time when they met for their first meeting Friday night. They immediately decided that the best available site in Luverne was Block 1, Highland Park addition, located on West Dodge street, just west of the John J. Boisen residence.
Named on the committee to obtain options on the property were George Michaelson, Gerrit De Vries and H. L. Fay. As soon as these options are secured, the state department of health will be asked to approve the site.
Three other possible locations were considered by the group. One was the property located on Blue Mound Avenue and East Barck street legally described as Auditor’s Outlot 22. Another was Lot 2, Block 12, Barck, Adams and Howe’s addition, located on Estey avenue and West Barck; and the other was located at the extreme south end of Donaldson street, legally described as Block 3, Snook addition.
100 years ago (1922)
•The second edition of the new Luverne cook book, which was first compiled and placed on the market a year ago last September, has this week been delivered from the Herald’s presses, and copies are now on sale at the public rest room.
The cook book is published by the ladies of the Luverne Presbyterian church, and contains about seven hundred recipes, being a hundred and eight page book exclusive of the advertising pages that were in the first edition. The first issue consisted of one thousand copies, the last of which were recently sold, and the new edition is of five hundred copies.
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