10 years ago (2012)
•Voters living in the Hills-Beaver Creek School District voted to increase the district’s operating referendum to $1,521 per pupil unit.
Nearly 60 percent, or 389 voted to increase taxes and approve the referendum during the three-hour Tuesday evening vote.
The 651 voters of 1,259 registered voters came out to vote after a day of moving snow to get to the polls.
The new referendum will replace the existing $855.79 per pupil unit referendum and bring in approximately $249,981 in additional revenue per year for 10 years for operating expenses.
25 years ago (1997)
•The dream of a hospice cottage for Luverne Community Hospital is becoming a reality.
Recently, the Luverne City Council accepted bids of $404,943 for the construction of a five-bedroom residence to be located on the corner of Oakley and Luverne streets. “We will probably break ground in April,” said hospice volunteer coordinator Helen Saum. “Our charity dinner and auction are April 17. Maybe we’ll tie it in together.”
From the exterior, plans for the one-story building feature a wood frame construction, brick trim and a front porch. The interior 3,219 square feet will be divided into five patient rooms and baths, an open kitchen/living room/dining room area, family room and office.
“We want to stay very residential and home-like,” Saum said. Architects from Baldridge and Associates, Sioux Falls, revised the plans for the cottage in recent months. “Because of a donation, we went back to the original plan and added a few things, such as a bath and shower for each patient room,” Saum said. “It was something we really couldn’t afford before.”
The LCH board had previously planned to get bids and start construction this summer, but a gift from the estate of George Conrad changed the timetable for the cottage.
50 years ago (1972)
•The traditional Christmas song, “O Tannenbaum,” will be sung in the language it was originally written, when the first and second graders from the Luverne elementary school present their annual program Wednesday, Dec. 20.
The children, who are directed by Mrs. Don Talbert, have learned the German words to the familiar song, one of a number of secular and sacred selections which the 212 voices will sing during the program. The concert, which begins at 9:30 a.m. in the elementary school gym here, is open to the public.
75 years ago (1947)
•Thieves obtained about $130 in cash in three break-ins here early Monday morning.
Business places entered and losses reported were: Luverne Oil Company service station, $79 in cash; Eberlein’s Tavern, owned by Floyd O. Johnson, $20 in cash; and the Rainbow Inn, owned by Ray Schadwinkel, $30 in cash and a leather jacket valued at $29.
Attempts were also made to break into the Rock County Cooperative Oil company service station on the corner of Main and Estey, and The Grill, owned by M. R. Roberts.
100 years ago (1922)
•Tomorrow will be the big day of the pre-Christmas season for the youngsters, both little and big, of Luverne and Rock county, for after a year’s absence, Santa Claus is again to pay a brief visit to the city to exchange greetings with all his little friends and acquaintances. And no doubt many of the grown up kids will also want to be on hand to renew their former intimate friendship with old Santa and restore themselves in the good graces of this generous old man.
Santa is to be accompanied on his trip by Uncle Sam, and owning to the fact that his sleigh had been wrecked in colliding with the North Pole, he is making the trip this year by auto. The two distinguished gentlemen are expected to arrive at about 2:15 from the east, and every youngster in the county, ranging in size from those who have just learned to walk to the big kids, is expected to meet them and escort them down Main street to the bank corners. This parade will be headed by the Luverne band, and all the whistles in town will blow and bells will ring to give Santa and Uncle Sam a hearty welcome.
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