Dispatch report
Dec. 4
•Assistance from another department was requested on W. Sherman Avenue, Ellsworth.
•Complainant on S. Walnut Avenue reported a water main break.
•Complainant on Edgehill Street reported someone ice fishing on thin ice.
•A phone scam was reported on 2nd Street, Kanaranzi.
•Complainant on E. Barck Avenue requested to speak to a deputy.
•Report of an assault in progress at location on W. Warren Street.
Dec. 5
•Fire on E. Main Street reported at location.
•Complainant on 150th Avenue and 131st Street reported a hunting concern.
•Complainant on 111th Street reported people using muzzle loaders in bow hunting only.
•Complainant on E. Main Street reported vandalism.
•Complainant on 31st Street, Hills, reported information.
•Complainant on U.S Highway 75, Luverne, reported someone chasing a deer on horse.
Dec. 6
•Complainant on 31st Street, Hills, reported found items.
•Complainant on N. Oakley Street reported vandalism.
Dec. 7
•Complainant in Trent reported an assault.
•Complainant on 161st Street reported found cell phones.
•Complainant reported flames and smoke.
Dec. 8
•Complainant on Round Wind Road reported a suspicious person.
•Complainant on S. 5th Street, Beaver Creek, reported a phone scam.
•Complainant in Aurora County, South Dakota, reported a subject with a Rock County warrant.
•Complainant on County Road 4 reported vulnerable adult abuse.
•Complainant on County Road 6 and 21st Street, Hills, requested the fire department.
•Complainant on 80th Avenue, Hills, reported property damage.
•Complainant on Mead Court reported a suspicious vehicle.
Dec. 9
•Suspicious activity was reported at location on N. East Park Street.
•Complainant westbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 19, Magnolia, requested backup.
•Complainant on N. Freeman Avenue reported theft.
•Complainant on W. Mead Court reported motor vehicle theft.
•Complainant on Main Street and Kniss Avenue reported property damage.
•Complainant on W. Warren Street and S. East Park Street reported an abandoned vehicle.
•A pedestrian was reported at location on County Road 4, Luverne.
•Complainant on County Road 4, Luverne, reported a pedestrian along roadway.
•Complainant on E. Fletcher Street reported harassing communications.
•Roadside assistance was requested westbound on Interstate 90, mile marker 11, Luverne.
Dec. 10
•Complainant on 20th Avenue, Hills, reported a suspicious noise.
•Complainant on 20th Avenue, Valley Springs, reported found property.
•Complainant on 10th Street, Luverne, reported scam/fraud.
•Complainant on S. Kniss Avenue requested to speak to a deputy.
•Complainant on 20th Avenue, Valley Springs, reported suspicious activity.
•Complainant on 21st Street and 60th Avenue, Hills, reported a possible flare-up.
•Complainant on W. Hatting Street requested patrol in the area.
In addition, officers responded to 1 motor vehicle accident, 1 vehicle in the ditch, 1 transport, 9 escorts, 27 ambulance runs, 3 animal complaints, 2 fingerprint requests, 1 burn permit, 1 driver’s license check, 3 alarms, 8 purchase and carry permits, 6 traffic stops, 4 abandoned 911 calls, 3 tests, 2 welfare checks, 2 reports of cattle out, 1 OFP and 1 follow-up.
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