Dispatch report
April 29
•Reserved for search warrant on vehicle from previous search warrant.
•Complainant requested to speak to a deputy about a personal matter. Deputy advised complainant his situation is a civil matter, to call an attorney and speak to Nobles County.
•Duty officer reported pooled material in parking lot area of the elevator that occurred sometime overnight. Source unknown. Assuming someone parked there overnight. Floor dry used to recover.
•Complainant reported one license plate stolen off a vehicle. Entered into NCIC.
•Complainant reported three kids on a riding lawn mower driving on the city streets and through people’s lawns. Complainant wants a deputy to stop the kids. He is afraid someone is going to get hurt.
•Complainant reported four kids on off-road vehicles driving through the ditches. Also, they are jumping people’s driveways. Deputy went to look for kids. Complainant called back and said kids were probably in the Boy Scout trails. Deputy found the group and warned them about driving laws.
•Complainant reported kids are being harassed.
•Complainant requested a residence check for a couple of weeks.
•Complainant requested welfare check because subject is claiming he doesn’t know where his daughter is and is somewhere in Iowa.
•Complainant requested to speak to a deputy regarding custody issues. Child was returned to mother and grandmother.
•Complainant reported a four-wheeler tearing around by wellhead area and power plant.
•OnStar reported they have located a stolen vehicle with stolen South Dakota license plates on it in Rock County. Sent deputies to look for it, but it was gone upon their arrival. They searched the area.
•Dispatch received several calls about a group of people arguing in the street on the 400 block of East Warren Street.
•Deputy stopped vehicle and driver lied about who he was. He was cited for several things.
April 30
•Deputy arrested subject for DWI and took him to jail. Two passengers were also cited for open bottle.
•Complainant reported vandalism to his vehicle.
•Complainant reported subject blew 0.025 on his test and did not take the two follow-up. Requested we provide Breathalyzer. Blew 0.013.
•Complainant reported vandalism in the building.
•Complainant reported juvenile ran away from facility just now. 14-year-old Native American male wearing grey sweatpants and a dark shirt. Subject is short and has black hair. Staff called back to report that they caught subject and returned to Southwest Youth Services.
•Complainant requested to speak with someone in reference to a teenager.
•Complainant reported disorderly conduct.
•Deputy cited subject for texting while driving.
May 1
•Complainant reported a group of teenagers vandalized her car.
•Dispatcher received some 911 calls with static. It was coming from the phone company.
•Complainant reported a road sign down on 150th Avenue between 51st Street and 61st Street in the northbound lane. Deputy moved sign off the roadway. The sign was an orange construction sign “shoulder work.”
•Complainant reported a domestic situation.
May 2
•Complainant reported someone is shining a light in her bedroom window between the hours of 1-3:45 a.m.
•Complainant reported vehicle registration stickers have been stolen off his vehicle twice. Stickers stolen between April 30 and May 2. Complainant spoke to deputy at the law enforcement center. Tabs entered into NCIC.
•Complainant reported an ex boyfriend was making unwanted contact with her daughters.
May 3
• Complainant requested a probation check on a client.
•Reserved for predatory offender registration.
•Complainant reported questionable driving on Minnesota Avenue in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Transferred to Minnehaha County.
•Complainant reported two students didn’t come back from lunch and wanted deputy to help get them back to school.
•Complainant requested information on getting a restraining order. She was directed to the Southwest Crisis Center.
•Complainant reported they got a no account check by someone also giving a false name.
•Complainant reported ex wouldn’t allow her contact with their daughter.
•Complainant requested information on a city ordinance.
•Complainant reported a possible impaired driver. Driver checked out OK.
•Deputies conducted probation check on subject. Negative contact. Notified probation.
May 4
•Complainant reported a farmer lost a couple bags of seed corn at location. There are two semitrailers that stopped along the road, and they may need traffic control in the area.
•Complainant reported a door busted in on a trailer home on Mead Court.
•Complainant reported she accidentally dialed 911 because she was to dial a 9 before calling out.
•Complainant reported someone hacked his Amazon account and placed an order to be shipped to California.
•Complainant reported she is receiving harassing communications on Facebook from her neighbor including nude pictures.
•Complainant reported a truck running the stop sign at location. Truck is at the elevator unloading.
•Complainant requested deputies keep an eye on the area for the next few days.
•Complainant reported tire debris in lane of traffic. Transferred to Minnesota Highway Patrol. Deputy was in the area and he moved debris off the road.
•Complainant reported the Beaver Creek Fire Department would be out on a training exercise for a house burn. Other fire departments from Rock County and South Dakota would be training as well.
•Complainant reported he agreed to trade an expensive baseball glove with subject. He has made deals with subject via website before, but now subject will not send money for the baseball glove and has blocked complainant from social media. Complainant has sent text messages to subject.
•Complainant reported a vulnerable adult.
May 5
•Complainant reported burglar alarm at local business. Sent deputies and key holder to check it out.
•Deputy performed probation check on subject.
•Reserved for predatory offender registration.
•Complainant reported abuse/neglect.
•Complainant reported health concerns in the home.
•Complainant reported problems among siblings and lack of parental involvement.
•Complainant dropped off a phone she found in the road near location. No alternative number to contact owner other than the cell phone. Phone is in a teal case.
•Complainant reported semitrailer over center and fog line. Transferred to State Patrol.
•Complainant reported a skid steer on fire at location.
•Complainant requested a welfare check on his son. He can’t reach him or his mother. Deputy made contact with mother who said her son was at a friend’s and he is fine. Dad did not believe her, so he called State Patrol to override the county. They refused.
•Complainant reported parents who are smoking weed in front of their kids.
•Deputy requested we call Minnesota Department of Transportation and advise that all the lights at South Kniss Avenue and I-90 are out, including the ramps.
In addition, officers responded to 2 motor vehicle accidents, 3 transports, 2 funeral escorts, 3 traffic stops, 17 ambulance runs, 6 parking violations, 1 paper service, 7 animal complaints, 1 false alarm, 7 log/alarm sheets, 11 drug court tests, 5 school zone patrols, and issued 5 purchase/carry permits and 16 burn permits.
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