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Rock County Commissioners meet Sept. 3

Rock County Commissioners meet Sept. 3


Rock County Board of Commisioners September 3, 2024

Training Room        9:00 A.M.

Rock County Law Enforcement Center

The meeting was called to order by Chair Burger with Commissioners Thompson, Reisch and Williamson present; Commissioner Overgaard was absent.  Also in attendance were Administrator Kyle Oldre, Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich and Star-Herald Reporter Mavis Fodness.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve the September 03, 2024, County Board Agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to approve the August 20, 2024 County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Burger, seconded by Reisch, to approve the consent agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

1. Pictometry International Corp dba Eagle View – 6 yr contract for software support and imagery updates on all parcels within Rock County; total contact

Ryan Holtz, Rural Water Systems Manager, informed the County Board of a $3,090,000 USDA grant award for the construction of a 500,000-gallon, above storage water tower in Clinton Township and the demolition of an existing 125,000-gallon water tower in Beaver Creek Township that was damaged in the derecho of 2022. Holtz requested approval to move forward with the project; motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch to approve and to authorize Holtz as the signature authority for project, declared carried on a voice vote. The County Board congratulated Holtz for his efforts in obtaining the federal grant award.

Holtz informed the County Board of the construction timeline to replace 1.75 miles of pipeline along 120th Ave. The estimated cost is $70,000 and Holtz requested a fund transfer from Rural Water Assessment to General Operations; motion by Williamson, seconded by Thompson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

Jeff Haubrich, County Attorney presented a departmental activity update stating that year to date criminal activity has increased by 32-percent. Of those 136 criminal cases, 26 are drug related felonies, 22 gross misdemeanors, and 88 misdemeanors. The County Attorney briefly discussed the potential benefits of joining a Drug Task Force with no recommendation.

Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer presented the claims; motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to approve, declared carried on a unanimous vote. A complete listing of the claims is available at the Auditor/Treasurer’s office.



A & B BUSINESS INC 5,020.36







MCGILL RESTORATION INC               51,003.80

MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC               21,715.20


50 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000               28,535.83

     TOTAL           $141,428.91


The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report; motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

Kurtz requested approval of an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between TriMin Systems Inc. and the Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) for the maintenance and support of IFS; the amendment increases the fees by $8,245.22, a 18.36 percent increase. Motion by Williamson, seconded by Burger, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to authorize a Petty Cash fund up to $100.00 for the Land Records Office, declared carried on a voice vote.

Mark Sehr, Engineer requested final contract payment of $66,88.40 to Prahm Construction for SP 067-601-014, bridge 67676 replacement on CSAH 1 over the Kanaranzi Creek. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Burger to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator provided an update on the current building projects:

•Terrance/Tunnel Project – awaiting final completion from the contractor

•Courthouse Renovation Project – construction is underway in the Auditor/

Treasurer’s office; also discussed HVAC issues regarding the replacement

of (28) air-handler/drainage units that have exceeded their life expectancy,

the Administrator will be reviewing options with Johnson Controls and have

them present at the next meeting.

Also identified other building projects:

•Roof replacement at Human Services Building

•Old Armory Building acquisition, renovations and fiber connections to

county’s network

Motion by Burger, seconded by Reisch, to request an extension on the Armory building acquisition, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator gave a brief FEMA update stating that the deadline to request for public and individual assistance is September 27, 2024.

The Administrator led a discussion regarding the 2025 Budget that reflects a 5-6 percent levy increase; the preliminary budget must be adopted by September 30th. Commissioner Burger and Reisch stated that they will be meeting with the Sheriff to discuss his departmental budget details.

Susan Skattum, Deputy Administrator informed the County Board that the county’s rate increase for health insurance is projected to be 3.65 percent increase.  Skattum discussed options on how to help to stabilize the annual increases within our group; no action was taken at this time.

The Administrator presented updates: moving forward with a vendor to assist with building assessments and repair timelines, meetings referencing economic development within the county, budget reviews with individual departments.

The Deputy Administrator informed the County Board that (3) new employees have recently been hired in the following departments: (2) Deputies and (1) Equipment Operator; the Sheriff has also filled the Dispatch Supervisor position.  Currently, Rock County has no vacant positions.

Commissioner Reisch attended the following meetings: Community Transit

Commissioner Williamson attended the following meetings: no meetings. Noted that Rock County has been included as part of the Sioux Falls, SD Metropolitan Area regional census. The significance could potentially change federal funding streams from rural to metropolitan.

Commissioner Thompson attended the following meetings: Plum Creek Library

Commissioner Burger attended the following meetings: (3) Southwest Health and Human Services meetings (regular board, Executive Committee and Audit)

With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair.


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