Rock County Commissioners meet Sept. 17
Rock County Board of Commissioners September 17, 2024
Training Room 9:00 A.M.
Rock County Law Enforcement Center
The meeting was called to order by Chair Burger with all Commissioners present. Also in attendance were Administrator Kyle Oldre, Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich, Sioux Valley Energy Representative Brandon Lane and Star-Herald Reporter Mavis Fodness.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
Motion by Williamson, seconded by Thompson, to approve the September 17, 2024, County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the September 3, 2024, County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.
Motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the Consent Agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.
1. Professional Services Agreement for 2024-2026 with Counties Providing
2. Hosting Agreement for 2024-2026 with Counties Providing Technology
Minnesota’s Senator Bill Weber and House Representative Joe Schomacker met with the County Board to discuss the status of US Highway 75. Weber stated that the federal funding is available and is contingent on the state’s twenty percent match; a question was asked as to why District VIII’s priorities are different than the priorities of District VII which is just beyond the Rock County boarder going into Pipestone? The current repair timeline is a mill and overlay in the City of Luverne in 2026 with the project going north in 2028. After discussion, the legislators would continue to monitor and discuss additional legislation in state bonding for the project. The County Board thanked them for their efforts with the Southwest Mental Health Consortium funding and the Emergency Management Disaster funding.
Chris Webb, Southwest Regional Development Commission Transportation Planner, presented a review of the regional trails plan. The SRDC identified and conducted 25 interviews and focus group sessions throughout our nine-county region. These sessions were conducted to gather in-depth insights from local residents. These sessions allowed participants to share their perspectives, concerns, and ideas more interactively and qualitatively. The information gathered from focus groups and interviews helped refine the trail plan and ensured that it aligns with community needs and aspirations. The study further identified that the Luverne Loop has high utilization with an average daily use of 207 riders and that the average spending per person in the nine-county region was $125.80 for residents and $216.90 for visitors. The next Regional trails meeting is scheduled for September 25th.
Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer presented the claims; motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to pay the claims, declared carried on a unanimous vote. A complete listing of the claims is available at the Auditor/Treasurer’s office.
CHS INC 16,727.29
M & EM HANDYMAN LLC 6,397.41
OPG-3 INC 2,680.98
72 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000 40,001.93
TOTAL $258,299.48
The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Thompson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator and Auditor/Treasurer reviewed the 2025 preliminary budget which results in a 5.44% levy increase. While the budget is still preliminary, there are a number of building issues and their funding sources that will need to be determined. The Auditor/Treasurer also estimates a decrease in the tax rate for 2025. After considerable discussion, motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to set the 2025 Levy at $7,462,412.00, a 5.5% increase, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator presented a draft of a Capital Improvement Plan for 2025-2029; the draft document identified CIP projects conducted in 2024 and potential projects in 2025 and the potential income sources to include whether there is a need to bond. Presented as informational.
The County Board was in receipt of correspondence from Minnesota Board of Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) stating that the Rock County Sheriff’s Office is compliant resulting from a recent review. The compliance review is conducted every five years.
The Commissioner Burger informed the County Board that Southwest Mental Health is seeking substantial contract increases in 2025; Rock County’s increase is $119,000 for a total price of $325,000, a fifty-seven percent increase. Currently, representatives from Southwest Health & Human Services are meeting with Sanford for a solution for mental health services. As per the contract with Southwest Mental Health and requirements in state statue, members must submit a 90-day notice of termination; motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to recommend Southwest Health & Human Services terminate the contract with Southwest Mental Health effective 12/31/2024, declared carried on a voice vote.
Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum requested approval of the 2025 benefits renewal that reflects a 3.65% increase for health insurance with Medica, a .5% decrease with Delta Dental and no rates changes for MN Group & Voluntary Life, Eye Med, Short & Long Term Disability, Accident, Hospital and Critical Illness insurances. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the 2025 benefits renewal, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator led a discussion regarding construction costs for Phase II of the Courthouse remodel that include improvements to the Land Records Office and exterior building repairs as follows, each of the contracts were anticipated to be less than $175,000 and per statue were negotiated:
Empire Building Construction - $171,902.00
Architectural Millwork - $5,654.08
DMZ/Quartz Countertops - $7,920.00
Heartland Glass - $5,400.00
Kitchen Windows Unlimited/Desks & countertops - $53,328.00
Kitchen Windows Unlimited/Millwork materials - $3,000.00
McClure Electric - $25,325.00
McClure HVAC - $3,365.13
Northwest Concrete Cutting - $26,069.68
Valhalla Painting LLC - $43,700.00
Gemini Acoustical - $6,970.00
Motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to accept all price quotes as presented, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a price quote of $11,525.16 from Betz Blinds to replace the window shades at the Courthouse; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Burger to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a price quote to replace the lights at the Veterans Memorial as many of the current lights are not working and are no longer available to purchase; the replacement cost is $20,467.32 and new fixtures are eligible for CERT funding. Motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the expenditures from Building Fund, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator led a discussion regarding the acquisition of the old Armory Building with the potential to re-locate the Land Management Office. The County Board reviewed architect drawings that identified renovations that would create approximately 2,800-3,000 square feet of office space, waiting and reception areas and conference room on the west side of the building. Currently the county pays nearly $40,000/year in rent for the Land Management Office and Building Maintenance equipment; the building acquisition will be a property transfer from the state due to the county’s in-kind costs toward the new armory structure that exceeded the estimated market of the old armory structure. After discussion, motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson to move forward with the acquisition of the old armory building, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator led a discussion regarding a service contract with Brightly Software Inc. that conducts a facility condition assessment on all county owned buildings; the purpose is to assist in identifying building issues and repair timelines and longevities. The assessment is utilized as a predictor for CIP development and the timelines for the implementation of repairs. The service contract for Rock County is $29,242.14; Brightly Software Inc is a Sourcewell vendor that offers a wide variety of contract purchasing solutions. The Administrator sited a few other counties that have utilized the services from Brightly and are extremely satisfied with the product, which is a working document that assists in identifying building conditions and timelines on how to address repairs. After discussion, motion by Overgaard, seconded by Burger, to approve the contract with Brightly for $29,242.14, declared carried on a voice vote.
The Administrator presented an update regarding FEMA processes: Individual Assistance will wrap up on or around September 27th, the FEMA team(s) visited over 1,400 homes applying for Individual Assistance. The Public Assistance process is still meeting with applicants.
The Administrator presented an event recap of the “Operation Homecoming” event featuring the journey of a 1942 Jeep Willy from France and its return to America and then to its new home in Luverne, Minnesota. Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, directing the Administrator to draft a letter thanking Jim Brandenburg for the vision and coordinating the return of the jeep, declared carried on a voice vote.
The County Board was in receipt of a meeting notice for the AMC District VIII meeting scheduled for October 24, 2024 at the Lake Benton Event Center in Lincoln County.
The Administrator reported on the following activities: AWAIR Safety Training, updates with FEMA team, Building issues, FEMA scoping meeting for the BRRRA and Southwest Mental Health.
Commissioner Reisch attended the following meetings: AMC Policy Conference, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council.
Commissioner Williamson attended the following meetings: A.C.E. Annual Banquet
Commissioner Overgaard attended the following meetings: Southwest Health & Human Services, UCap/Community Transit, Southwest Mental Health, A.C.E. Annual Banquet, Denver and Mound Townships.
Commissioner Thompson attended the following meetings: Library, A.C.E. Annual Banquet, Southwest Regional Development Commission.
Commissioner Burger attended the following meetings: Southwest Mental Health, A.C.E. Annual Banquet, Community Corrections; also stated that a new joint powers agreement is forthcoming from the Southwest Mental Health Consortium.
With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair.