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ISD #2184 School Board meets Oct. 24

ISD #2184 School Board

meets Oct. 24




A regular meeting of the Board of Education, ISD #2184, was held in the District Office on October 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

The following members were present:  Ryan DeBates, Michael DeBates, Eric Hartman, Tim Jarchow, Zach Nolz, Randy Sasker, and David Wrigg. Also present:  Craig Oftedahl, Terry Eernisse, Heather Johnson, Becky Rahm and Mavis Fodness - Rock County Star Herald.

Chairperson Tim Jarchow opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by Randy Sasker to approve the agenda. Motion unanimously carried.

Administrative Reports were given.

Motion made by Michael DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the September 26, 2024, school board meeting minutes as presented. Motion unanimously carried.

Business Manager Terry Eernisse reviewed the district bills with the school board. Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Eric Hartman, to approve the payments as presented in the amount of $424,599.39 with payroll in the amount of $1,123,832.49 for a grand total of $1,548,431.88. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by David Wrigg, second by Zach Nolz, to receive the Student Activity Report showing balances as of September 30, 2024. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Zach Nolz, second by Eric Hartman, to approve the World’s Best workforce and testing information presented by Mr. Phelps. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Randy Sasker, second by Ryan DeBates, to approve the resolution of school board supporting form A application to MN state high school league foundation. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by David Wrigg, to approve the resignation of Beryl Moser as custodian. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Michael DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the hiring of Joe Stearns as One Act advisor. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by Randy Sasker, to approve the 12 week maternity leave for Courtney Auch. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Eric Hartman, second by David Wrigg, to approve the hiring of Matt McClure as head varsity girls hockey coach. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Michael DeBates, second by Zach Nolz, to approve the hiring of Scott Adams as assistant girls hockey coach. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion made by Ryan DeBates, second by David Wrigg, to approve the hiring of Pete Connell as assistant boys hockey coach. Motion unanimously carried.

Committee reports were given.

The Continuing Education Meeting had no concerns.

The upcoming meeting dates were reviewed. Motion made by Zach Nolz, second by Randy Sasker, to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously carried.


Dated: October 24, 2024 David Wrigg, Clerk


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