We at the Star Herald take our Year in Review coverage seriously, in part because it’s a way for us to look back at our work and assess how thorough (or not) we’ve been.
People often ask our news reporters, “Do you ever run out of things to put in the paper?” And there’s never hesitation in our response: “No. Never.”
Rock County is a happening place to be, and there’s never a shortage of news about our communities and their people.
In a good year, there’s mostly good news — about accomplishments, celebrations and endearing features.
Inevitably, there’s some bad news at some point in the year, and all good community newspapers cover the good with the bad. After all, overcoming hardships and mistakes is what makes us stronger in the end, and we want to be part of it all.
Recapping the top stories of the year offers an opportunity to step back and see the big picture — how one thing or idea affects another and how one person’s enthusiasm for change can inspire a whole set of changes.
Take a moment to scan the Year in Review coverage and notice the strides we’ve made in Rock County.
More than anything, though, reviewing a year of local Star Herald pages reminds us what a privilege it is to be part of this wonderful community and so connected close to the people who make this county great.
Thank you, dear readers, for another really good year in Rock County. We wish you all the best in 2016 and look forward to chronicling all the events and activities that shape our lives and define who we are.
Happy New Year!
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