Rock County Pheasants Forever hosted the Dan Kindt Memorial Youth Hunt Saturday morning in western Rock County on private conservation ground owned by Brad and Rodney Lowe and by Stan and Wayne Williamson.
During the Oct. 6 Pheasants Forever Banquet in Luverne, eight names were drawn from a pool of young people ages 12 to 17 who had their gun safety training permits.
They participated Saturday in the guided hunt that included trained dogs and adult mentors who walked along but were not shooting.
Only four roosters were harvested that morning, but Pheasants Forever Board members said many birds took flight and the young hunters fired numerous shots.
“I’m super pleased with how the day went,” said Darin Kindt, brother of Dan Kindt, who passed away in April after serving 35 years on the Rock County Pheasants Forever Board.
“The kids had fun; they were a good group of kids, and the adults had fun. It was a good day.”
He said his own daughters often hunted with their uncle Dan, who was a champion for all things youth and the outdoors.
“He liked kids, and any time he could get kids outdoors and hunting, that was his main thing,” said Darin Kindt, also a longtime board member for Rock County Pheasants Forever.
Given the success of Saturday’s youth hunt, he said the board is considering making it an annual event in memory of his brother.