The Luverne Convention and Visitors Bureau announced the winners of the July 2016 Prairie Photo Contest Friday.
“The selection process is getting more difficult each month for the panel of judges,” said Chamber Director Jane Wildung Lanphere.
The winners for July are Bradley Herreid from Luverne for his photo, “Three Sisters Dramatic Cloud,” and Kelly Doyle from Edina for the photo, “Tall Grass Prairie Texture.”
Lanphere said the July winners were selected by the CVB with help from a visitor to the Brandenburg Gallery from Montreal.
“This gentleman is a professional photographer who is spending the next three months traveling in the United States. He was honored to assist in the selection process.”
Winners earn $50 and their images are made into postcards that are sold to support programs at Blue Mounds State Park and Touch the Sky Prairie.
The Prairie Photo Contest continues every month through October as park of this summer’s celebration of the 150th anniversary of Minnesota state parks and the 100th anniversary of America’s national parks.
Photos must be submitted digitally (at least 300 PPI or higher) by the first of each month to Include name, address, phone number, email and the title of the photo with each submission.
A maximum of five entries are accepted per person per month.
All photos submitted in May, June and July and not selected for the postcard are eligible for the July through October selection process.
Two winners will be selected in each of the next three months.
“We congratulate the winners and encourage all to submit photos for the August through October contests,” Lanphere said.
July Prairie Photo Contest winners chosen
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