The Hills-Beaver Creek FFA Chapter completed a virtual 2020 banquet last month, honoring members for a year of work in various areas.
Adviser Katie Rogers presented the awards.
Five students earned the chapter’s top awards. These students included:
•Star Farmer Whitney Elbers.
•Star Ag Placement Hannah Fick.
•Star Greenhand Cody Moser.
•Creed Speaker Tyrae Goodface.
•Top Freshman Fruit Salesman Taylor Huisman.
Proficiency awards
Chapter members can participate in one or more of the 47 different proficiency areas as part of the SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) projects.
Areas of proficiency and recipients include:
Agricultural mechanics design and fabrication, Ty Bundesen.
Agricultural sales, Hannah Fick.
Agricultural services, Easton Harnack.
Beef production, Whitney Elbers.
Community and home development, Joslyn Birger.
Dairy production, Tyson Bork.
Diversified livestock, Whitney Elbers.
Equine Science (Entrepreneurship), Kellie Vanderbrink.
Equine science (placement), Jacey Vanden Hoek.
Fiber and oil crop production, Carter Hartz.
Goat production, Sadie Fuerstenberg.
Outdoor recreation, Taylor Durst.
Poultry production, Kenadie Fick.
Sheep production, Chase Bosch.
Swine production, Nathan Kruid.
Cow/calf, Tory Knobloch.
Turf grass management, Austin Ripperda.
Wildlife production and management, Parker Gehrke.
Greenhand degrees
First-year Greenhand members were recognized with a bronze pin.
Recipients include Danette Leenderts, Olivia Bork, Devon Dysthe, Taylor Fredrickson, Luke Fuerstenberg, Tyrae Goodface, Brock Harnack, Alexander Harris, Taylor Huisman, Ellynor Klosterbuer, Jenifer Martinyuk, Brayden Metzger, Cody Moser, Collin Schoneman, Noah Swenson, Sophia Vansurksum and Joshua Wiersema.
Chapter degrees
Second-year FFA members who met the criteria were awarded a silver pin.
Earning Chapter Degree pins are Robert Drake, Taylor Durst, Troy Durst, Journey Dwire, Sean Elbers, Kenadie Fick, Andrew Harris, Carter Hartz, Ethan Kruger, Nathan Kruid, Drew Leenderts, Donavon Leenderts, Daniel Martinyuk, Samantha Moser, Conner Vandevoort and Kellie Vanderbrink.
H-BC FFA Chapter issues year-end awards
Mavis Fodness