Luverne Public Schools
Flexible Learning Year
Survey Results*
Survey Question 1: I am completing this survey as a _____: (check one)
Luverne High School Freshman 54 7 percent
Luverne High School Sophomore 67 8.7 percent
Luverne High School Junior 54 7 percent
Luverne High School Senior 39 5 percent
Parent 400 52 percent
Community Member (no students) 57 7.4 percent
Staff Member (non teacher) 25 3.3 percent
Licensed Teacher 68 8.9 percent
Survey Question 3: The Flexible Learning Year (FLY) student calendar for 2016-17 includes the following approximate dates: First day of school is Aug. 22 (two weeks before Labor Day), first semester ends on Dec. 22. Students have a winter break. When students return a new semester begins. Winter break for students will be from Dec. 23 through Jan. 3. Second semester begins on Jan. 3. The last day of school for students is May 16 (not including the possible snow make-up days. Please indicate your level of agreement with the Flexible Learning calendar.
Strongly Disagree 237 31 percent
Disagree 134 17.55 percent
Neither Agree nor Disagree 97 12.69 percent
Agree 148 19.37 percent
Strongly Agree 148 19.37 percent
Survey Question 17: After considering all the information, my recommendation to the Luverne Public School Board is to DISCONTINUE the FLY calendar and return to a “traditional” calendar calling for a post Labor Day start beginning with the 2016-17 school year.
Strongly Disagree 169 22.12 percent
Disagree 92 12.04 percent
Neither Agree nor Disagree 108 14.13 percent
Agree 104 13.61 percent
Strongly Agree 291 38.08 percent
*Only answers from three out of the 28 questions asked on the 764 surveys were hand tallied.
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