Savoring the flavor
Wine sales have seen a national increase in recent years, and the Luverne off-sale is no exception.
"People drink wine for all kinds of reasons," Hess said. "People have heard about the studies that say red wine can lower cholesterol, and they drink it with dinner or have a glass to unwind at the end of the day."
Even though Blue Mound Liquor is considered a mid-sized store, Hess said she’s proud that it offers big variety.
"People have stopped in from places like Minneapolis and say, ‘Wow, I thought this was a small-town store,’" Hess said. "It’s nice to have a variety of wines because everyone’s tastes are different."
For novice wine drinkers, Hess said it doesn’t hurt to ask questions. "I’ll try to help, and if I don’t know the answer, I’ll sure try to find out. … We’re always willing to go the extra mile."
Taking those extra steps to keep customers happy proved to be a nice surprise for one Sioux Falls couple. They chanced upon Blue Mound Liquor and stopped in to ask about special orders. They weren’t hopeful after being turned down by all the other liquor stores they asked, but Blue Mound came through.
"Now they come twice a year to pick up their case of Portuguese wine, and they can’t thank us enough," Hess said.
A few local people have placed special orders or have inquired about rare wines. Hess can usually help by conducting her own research or by asking wine suppliers.
Being tempted by the finer points of wine might be more common this time of year. "When it gets a little cooler, the wine and liquor sales pick up," Hess said. That’s opposed to beer, which peaks during the summer.
Holidays generally bring the business heavy traffic, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even Easter can increase sales because it’s a time when people gather for a big meal and may want a rich beverage to accompany it.
Whether it’s near the holidays or just a common time of year, Blue Mound Wine Club members meet to explore their palates.
Each wine tasting event requires a one-time permit that allows the club to meet for four hours. The club is loosely structured, and at $7 a person, is open to about 30 people per tasting which closes with a serving of a specially-made Coffey Haus dessert.
Some best selling wines locally
Beringer — White Zinfandel, White Merlot, Chenin Blanc
Fetzer — Johannesburg Riesling, Merlot, Gewürztraminer
Jacob’s Creek — The entire line is recommended
St. Gabriel — This new brand has sold well
Turning Leaf — Chardonnay, Riesling, Merlot, White Zinfandel
Wine online
The Internet is loaded with sites about wine — you can purchase directly from some, and others are more educational. Here are some sites that will help you navigate the wide world of wines: