To the Editor:
A few people have asked me why I’m not writing letters. It caused me to think. Yes, that’s trouble. I thought about “nothing to write.” That made me think of nothing or space. Space is an area of nothing. Typewriters have a spacebar that gives us an area of nothing between words. Without it, asentencelookslikethis. In outer space there is no gravity, temperature and very little air. Yet we spend millions of dollars on that nothing. They are first stored in bags, cans, buckets, boxes, baskets and plastic totes. These are small areas of nothing. They are then transferred to bigger areas of nothing, closets and storage space. Those are part of an even larger nothing, a house. Outside the house is another area of nothing, a garage. It can be a one, two or three car nothing, depending on the amount of things you bought. When those areas of nothing are filled with your things, you can have another area of nothing. A shed. When we have more things and no more nothing for them, we buy a larger house that has more nothing. Even then we may still need to rent a nothing unit. How many thousands of dollars have we spend on nothing? We watched a successful sitcom on nothing, Seinfeld. You now have read about nothing and learned nothing, except I have nothing between my ears. Do you still want me to write letters?
Bill Preuss
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