The annual election for the FSA County Committee is once again upon us.
Elections take place each year to replace a member whose three-year term will expire. Producers who reside in a particular elective area, also called a Local Administrative Area (LAA), and who participate in FSA programs and are of legal voting age may be nominated to serve on the County Committee. They must also not have been removed or disqualified from the office of the County Committee, or have been convicted of fraud, larceny, embezzlement or any other felony, or have been dishonorably discharged from any branch of the armed services.
We also encourage women and minority producers, as well as beginning farmers, to get involved in the election process by either nominating themselves or others. Nomination forms should be filed for the County Committee of the office that administers a producer's farm records.
Forms are available at the Rock County FSA Office, or online at For the FSA-669A Nomination form, scroll down to the links under “Election Materials” and click “2015 Nomination Form;” and for fact sheets, scroll down to the links under “Fact Sheets.”
This year’s County Committee election in Rock County will be for the southeastern one-third of the county in LAA No. 3, which includes the townships of Clinton, Kanaranzi, Luverne and Magnolia. This is the area that is currently being represented by Committee Chair Paul Arends, who is eligible to serve a third and final three-year term.
We will begin accepting nominations now until the Aug. 3, deadline. Voting will take place between Nov. 9 and Dec. 7. The newly elected committee member will take office on Jan. 1, 2016.
Committee members are a critical component of the day-to-day operations of FSA, applying their judgment and knowledge to help in the delivery of farm programs at the
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