Blue Mound Quilters will meet from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at First Presbyterian Church in Luverne. Park in the north lot. Bring your own projects to work on and an item to share for a light noon lunch. Call 507-227-0914.
MS Support Group will meet at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, at Pizza Ranch in Luverne. All persons with MS, family and friends are invited. Call 283-2069 or 283-2964 for info.
Food distribution is Sept. 15
New Life Celebration Church’s third Thursday monthly food giveaway is at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Atlas building at 101 W. Maple St. in Luverne.
Enter from Maple Street and stay along the west side of the building. Parking lot opens at 3 p.m. Do not block the Redeemed Remnants parking lot, intersection or alley entrance. Food will be loaded into vehicles, which exit via the alley going west. Call 507-283-8963 or 507-283-4366 with questions.
Book sale starts Sept. 15
The Friends of the Rock County Library annual book sale is Thursday, Sept. 15, through Saturday, Sept. 17. Times are from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15; from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16; and from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 17 (bag sale).
For more information, contact the library at 507-449-5040.
Blue Mound Lutheran Church observes 150th
The Blue Mound Cemetery Association will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Blue Mound Lutheran Church with a Fall Festival service at 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, at the church in rural Luverne. A catered meal in the parish hall will follow the service, led by guest pastor Gary Klatt. All are welcome.
CoffeeBreak Bible study starts Oct. 4
The kickoff meeting of CoffeeBreak begins at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, and will meet each Tuesday, at the Luverne Christian Reformed Church at 605 North Estey Street in Luverne.Children ages 3 to kindergarten are invited to participate in StoryHour, a program with Bible stories and playtime. A nursery is also available. No charge and no prior Bible knowledge necessary. All faiths and ages are welcome. For more information call Kristi Stroeh at 507-227-5102 or email
Rock County Historical Society annual meeting Oct. 3
The Rock County Historical Society annual meeting is at noon Monday, Oct. 3, at the Big Top Events Center. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the History Center for $15, or the day of the event at the door for $25. The program is on old restaurants.
Community Ed
Community Education will offer the following classes in the next few weeks. Call 507-283-4724 to register.
Students will follow along with the instructor to create a painting at Paint & Snack class. Grades 4-6 is Sept. 19. Fee is $33.
Junior Cardinal Cross Country Team for grades K-6 will be from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting Sept. 13. On the last day, kids will do their own race at the end of the home cross country meet.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes for children ages 0-5 is a Community Education program for parents and their children from birth to kindergarten age. It offers information and support to parents and provides activities for parents and children to explore together through classes that meet once a week throughout the school year.
Taking Defensive Driving Classes allows adults 55 years of age and older to save on insurance premiums. The eight-hour beginner Defensive Driving class will be offered on Nov. 7 and 10.
Library Happenings
For more information about library happenings, call 507-449-5040 or email
Trivia Night is at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at Take 16 in Luverne. Team registration begins at 6 p.m.
Reminiscence Kits are available featuring various topics such as gardening, pets, baking, sewing, farming and hunting. The kits are designed to use with a loved one experiencing memory loss, encouraging the loved one to open up about activities they once loved in the past.
Prairie Ally seeks workers
Volunteer workers are needed from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Prairie Ally public food forest for a variety of maintenance tasks. No RSVP necessary. Other work opportunities are available by appointment by contacting Donations are also welcome for Prairie Ally, which is located along Blue Mound Avenue in Luverne.
A.C.E. respite care available, volunteers needed
A.C.E. of SW Minnesota (A.C.E.) offers respite care services in Rock County for those needing a break from caring for a loved one.
The respite program offers short-term (1-3 hours), temporary care for families and caregivers by providing a brief period of reprieve from the daily cares they provide to their loved one.
Volunteers provide non-professional supportive services to caregivers to give them time for themselves, relieve their stress and help them remain healthy.
Respite care volunteers are also needed. Trained A.C.E. volunteers provide respite care to family caregivers of adults age 60 and older who are suffering from long-term health conditions.
Contact Linda Wenzel at 507-283-5064 or
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