Spring rummage sale (May 3-6) and the citywide spring cleanup (May 1-5) are just around the corner.
The citywide cleanup event is one of the nicest perks the city offers. There are rules to follow as to what you can place by the curb for free pickup. The citywide cleanup also draws a fair number of out-of-town treasure seekers as well as locals.
Truth be told, I’ve harvested a treasure or two over the years.
Now for the rules for the spring cleanup. Don’t put out tires, chemicals, electronics, batteries, light bulbs or paint cans. If you do, they will be left at the curb. Don’t start hauling your junk out too early. One week prior to pickup would be appreciated.
The city is running ads in today’s Star Herald and this weekend’s Luverne Announcer with a schedule of neighborhood pickup dates.
Your garbage and recycling routes will remain the same.
It would be a good idea to set your containers away from your curbside items.
If you have a few of the hefty items such as appliances and mattresses, the city crew will pick those up on Friday, May 5. There is a cost for this, however. Appliances cost $15 each and the mattress/box springs cost $30 each. You must prepay and register at city hall before the pickup, and no refunds will be issued.
As you should know by now, our city crews operate like a well-oiled NASCAR pit crew, and if they hit your “hood” before the scheduled date, don’t worry. They make a return visit.
Branch pickup will start on Monday, May 8. Put the branches parallel to the curb, and they are to be no more than ten feet long.
Don’t lollygag on this one – get your branches to the curb by 7 a.m. or you’ll be hauling them to the burn site yourself. The city crews will make one pass through the city to pick up branches.