I am sure many of you experienced date confusion over the recent holidays. By that I mean it was difficult at best during the weeks of Christmas and New Year to keep track of what day of the week it was.
It seemed for two weeks in a row we had two Mondays each week, and to kind of balance that out, it also seemed like it was Friday twice a week.
You probably found yourself asking others what day of the week it was on more than one occasion. Not to mention her by name, but one woman I talked to early the morning after New Year’s Day said it best. She had to look at her pillbox that morning to see what day it was. Now that is how you handle day confusion.
On the subject of pillboxes, there is now one in our cupboard. I am on a pill regimen — two pills in the morning and one at bedtime. No big deal, except some days I forget if I have taken them or not.
I am pretty sure I have taken them. It’s just that it’s become such a habit I don’t think twice about taking them, thus remembering if I did or not comes into play.
I asked Mary to pick me up a pillbox the next time she was at the store. She brought home two options, one just the standard Sunday through Saturday box where you put the entire day’s worth of pills in the little square, and the second with a morning and evening slot for each day. Bingo! That was the one.
So Sunday night I filled each little morning and nighttime box for the next seven days and I was set for the week.
Monday morning I went about my morning routine, and when it was time to use my new pillbox, I did what I always did each morning — I opened the pill bottles and took my pills and went about my morning.
It didn’t dawn on me at first, but as I was pouring a cup of coffee, I realized I didn’t use my new pillbox.
Darn it! First day and I am already half a day off. So now what do I do? Just skip Monday’s pillbox pills altogether or put the Monday morning pillbox pills back into the bottle and go on from Tuesday? How will I know what day it is tomorrow if Monday’s pills are still in the pillbox?
Good grief! Who knew this would be so difficult. By the way, what day is it?
Pillbox purchase eliminates confusion, I think
For What's It Worth
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Rick Peterson, general manager