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With the Luverne Leap complete, time to move on to the next hare-brained stunt

For What It's Worth
Lead Summary
Rick Peterson, general manager

You probably are aware that the first attempt at the Luverne Leap fundraiser for the Luverne Area Community Foundation was a huge success. With the help of event sponsors, the 29 jumpers were able to raise $23,000 for the Foundation’s general grant fund.
As a first-time jumper into the icy waters at The Lake, I have to tell you it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Truth be told, the days leading up to the event were the worst. Second thoughts and anxiety started to consume my thoughts.
I have talked to a handful of my fellow jumpers, and they all said it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be either and they would do it again.
For me once is enough and it’s on to the next hare-brained stunt.
The start of the Minnesota State High School winter sports tournament season is underway. The Luverne Cardinals girls are having a really nice season. The girls’ hockey team, along with individuals from gymnastics and girls’ wrestling, are competing in their respective state tournaments, and hopefully the girls’ basketball team will be joining them.
I took a day trip last Saturday to the annual Pheasant Fest hosted by Minneapolis this year. As you can imagine, Pheasant Fest falls into my wheelhouse.
Talk about a kid in a candy store! Five hours wasn’t enough time to see everything, but I’ll spend more time at the show next year because Sioux Falls will be the host city for 2024.
I would strongly encourage you to consider taking in at least one day of the show while it’s in Sioux Falls.

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