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1872: Magnolia Township becomes the fourth to organize in the county

Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society

Rock County will celebrate its 150th Anniversary this year. The news will be the history of Rock County, townships, and communities. The following appeared in the Rose History of Rock County, printed in 1911.
County and Township Organization — 1870-1878 (continued from 03-12 edition)
         The fourth township to set up a government of its own was Magnolia, which was set off from the original Luverne township in the fall of 1872. There was practically no settlement in the township prior to the spring of that year, but during the summer and fall many claims were taken and the residents asked for authority to organize. The petition was dated September 21, 1872, and was signed by Sylvester Norton, Charles Cook, Thor Asleson, Quinby Loveland, Steward Young, S. S. Maxwell, Austin Maxwell, Hyrcanus Griffith, T. F. Brockway, Michael Pickett, O. D. Turner, C. B. Rolph, E. N. Darling, Robert Douglass, Riley Brooks, Philander Phinney, R. W. Shaw, Wallace Kearney and possibly others.
         The township was created by the board of county commissioners November 27, 1872, and named Magnolia, the name being suggested by Philo Hawes, one of the commissioners, Magnolia having been the name of Mr. Hawes’ former home in Rock county, Wisconsin. The election to select the first officers was held at the home of Quinby Loveland, Charles Cook and Philander Phinney, supervisors; S. S. Maxwell, assessor; Steward Young, treasurer; R. W. Shaw and Quinby Loveland, justices of the peace; J. Johnson and James Gillard, constables. Land patents in Magnolia township were granted as follows:
         Eugene N. Darling (6), Stewart Young (32-28), Orlin Bassett (4), Charles Cook (32), Lucinda Norton (6), David Griffith (18), George D. Phinney (14), William C. Dean (24), Thomas McDermott (6), John Kerwin (24), Charles B. Rolph (22), S. Bailey (10), Henry Meier (10), Jacob Isaacson (24), Abram H. Turner (22), Polk Turner (20), Charles Chase (34), Theodore B. Gould (2), Oscar D. Turner (20), Robert Douglass (20), Riley Brooks (26), Quinby Loveland (22), Wallace Kenney (28), William H. Halbert (12), John Hemmingson (18), Philander Phinney (14), George B. Priestley (2), Thomas H. Williams (4), Austin Maxwell (34), Truman F. Brockway (8), Isaac Isaacson (30), Martin M. Smith (28), Thor Asleson (32), John Fugleberg (30), Ezra C. Abbott (8), Frank Henderson (28), Ole Olson (30), William McGee (10), Hiram Brockway (8), James Woodley (26), Luther F. Hovey (14), Alexander McNab (30), Owen E. Cotton (12), John T. Travis (12), Albert C. Croft (2), Michael Pickett (22), Engebrit Evenson (26), Hyrcanus Griffith (20), Stephen Conway (18), Rebecca Williams (4), Sylvester Norton (6), David Stephen (34), Peter Jordon (10), Arthur G. Dike (18), William Kienast (24), John Carlson (2), Christian J. Frahm (26), Webster R. Crosby (14), Adaline D. Gray (12), Timothy H. Hill (34).
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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