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When I was your age

Built on a rock
Lead Summary
Martha Fick, Good Samaritan – Mission Effectiveness

“For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.” (Galatians 6:3-4 ESV)
Sven was scolding his young son for not doing his homework. “You haf to do your vork or you vill not be smart vhen you grow up.”
“If you vould buy me a computer,” complained Little Sven, “it vould be easier.”
“A computer! Vhat are you tinking? Dey cost too much money! You do not need a computer,” shouted Sven. “I did not haf a computer when I vas your age. Vhen Abraham Lincoln vas your age, he studied by de candlelight in der log cabin.”
“Yah, and vhen he vas your age,” Little Sven replied, “He vas de President of de United States!”
Who do we want to be? It’s easy to compare ourselves with others, envying their talents, possessions and maybe even their appearance. Sometimes we think our lives would be better if we only had what “they” have. Sadly, there are many of our own gifts and talents that go undetected and unused because we waste too much time trying to be something different from who God made us to be.
God wants us to trust in Him; trust that He created us beautifully and wonderfully to bring glory to Himself and His kingdom. He will give us what we need in amazing ways if we let Him.
Lord God, we put our lives into Your hands. Show us the path that You would have us take. Help us trust that You have created us beautifully and wonderfully and will give us what we need each step of the way. Teach us to live our lives to Your glory and our good. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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