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For what it’s worth

Have you ever noticed that when you’re coming into Luverne on I-90 from the west, the big green exit sign reads "Luverne/Rock Rapids," and if you’re coming into town from the east, the sign reads "Rock Rapids/Luverne"? No offense to our neighbors to the south, but Luverne should be listed first from both directions.Also, it’s interesting that Luverne Bumper is located in Brandon, S.D., and Hills Stainless Steel and the Magnolia Steak House are in Luverne.There are no McClures working at McClure Plumbing and Heating or McClure Electric. Myhre Studio is owned and operated by Jim Juhl. You have to wonder if there are any family members working at the new Family Dollar store.Having been here only six months, this is just a short-term observation, but does anyone ever use the skateboard park? I guess I notice this because while living in Redwood Falls the need for a skateboard park came before the city council on a number of occasions, yet one hasn’t been built. I can’t say that I have camped out at the local skate boarding park 24/7, but I am guessing now would be peak time for skate boarding, but from my drive-by observations, there is very little if any use of the park.I would imagine that many of you heard the tornado sirens Sunday night and wondered what was going on. If you tuned into the radio or television like we’re instructed to do during National Tornado Preparedness Week, you would have learned nothing. That’s because the siren was set off by an equipment malfunction. The cause of the malfunction has yet to be determined, but it may have been caused in part by the high humidity. Now, if high humidity is the cause, we have a problem, because high humidity is generally an ingredient in the recipe for a tornado. I would suggest letting the public know what’s happening as quickly as possible, whether we’re having a false alarm or the real deal.

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