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Thumbs up, thumbs down

When it comes to the Star Herald Thumbs-Up, Thumbs Down series, when we’re up, we’re up (sometimes sharing all thumbs up) and when we’re down, we’re down.This week, we’re down.Thumbs down — to residents who insist on a perfectly green lawn in the middle of a drought. If everyone did this, we’d already have a watering ban in place. It seems greedy, almost, not to conserve water at times like these. Why not turn off the hose occasionally and let the brown lawn blend in with neighboring (more sensible) residents?Thumbs down — (speaking of the weather) to global warming and to those who don’t believe it’s real. Scientists are now all in agreement that our earth’s atmosphere is in danger. No matter how hard corporate-friendly politicians try to smooth over the alarming facts, it’s time to face the truth. There should no longer be discussion about if there’s a problem, rather, we should be addressing how our energy choices can positively affect climate change. Business and government need to work together to develop cost-effective strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.For starters, we as voters need to put a different administration in the White House — one that will take the problem seriously and stop pandering to those who are causing it.Thumbs down — to the FCC for its recent ruling on profanity. It’s a good idea to curtail profanity in the media, but the ruling will also affect documentary films, which by nature depict truthful, unedited stories.Ken Burns and Florentine Films have been working for several years on their 14-hour documentary, "The War," which reportedly includes "salty" language by veterans sharing their recollections.That valuable footage is in danger of major edits to fit guidelines — and may risk the purity of the soldiers’ original stories.War isn’t pretty, and graphic descriptions of the horrors of war by those who lived it shouldn’t be censored by a well-intentioned rule run amok.Thumbs down — to the Star Herald editorial staff for being so down. This week we’re down, but we’ll soon find a list of positive things again for a Thumbs Up editorial.

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