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Three file for council seats in Steen

By Jolene Farley Steen voters will decide who will fill two city council seats at the election in November. There will be no race in Hills or Beaver Creek. Hills, Beaver Creek and Steen had mayor and city council seats open this year. Milton Van Batavia refiled for mayor of Steen. Rod Scholten, Marlin Elbers and Scott Kessler filed for the two open council seats. The council seats are four-year terms.In Hills, the mayor and two council member terms expire at the end of the year. Jim Jellema refiled for the four-year mayor term. Dana Dahlquist refiled for the four-year city council seat. The Hills City Council tried unsuccessfully to recruit someone to fill the seat vacated by Arlen Leenderts when he resigned June 30. No one stepped forward after repeated advertising and posters hung around the community. Since no one filed to fill the seat as of the first of the year, anyone’s name can be written on the ballot at election time. A write-in candidate has the option to decline the position. In Beaver Creek, Al Blank re-filed for mayor and Carolyn DeBoer refiled for the city council. Jeff Dysthe didn’t file, but his brother, Jamie, filed for his seat.

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