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  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    April 07, 2020
    It’s been almost a month now that we have been in a virtual state of shutdown. Social distancing, shelter in place, essential business and hand washing — and now face masks have turned our worlds upside down. But really, has it been that unbearable? The whole day-to-day lifestyle changes pale in comparison to the mounting worries we are all facing. For me, I find it difficult to be living,…
  • August 15, 2017
    To the Editor: It should not be hard to condemn the actions of the white supremacists. It should not be hard to condemn the actions of the neo-Nazis. It should not be hard to condemn the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. It should not be hard to call the murder of Heather Heyer an act of domestic terrorism. Staying silent when so-called patriots take to the streets with a violent agenda — spewing…
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