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  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    June 30, 2020
    In past columns I have shared with you the little life changes I have experienced that may indicate that the aging process in my case keeps advancing. Here are two sure, but not so subtle, hints I reluctantly took notice of recently. Making a list of things to pack for any sort of trip —be it an overnighter or more importantly anything over two days — is a must. You would probably agree such a…
  • February 25, 2020
    To the Editor Beginning in 1790, and every year ending in zero since, the United States Census Bureau has undertaken the decennial census. This year, the 2020 Census is going to be a little different. Although very few homes will receive paper questionnaires when the self-response phase begins next month, every home across Minnesota and the U.S. will receive an invitation to respond online or by…
  • By Jason W. Swanson, director, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging
    August 13, 2019
    It’s time we have “that talk” with our loved ones — whether a spouse, parent, in-law, grandparent or a friend — about establishing a plan as they age. We plan careers, vacations, weddings, get-togethers and retirements, but we often don’t take time to plan the things we’ll need help with as we age and the different types of services we may require. It’s difficult to make these decisions in a…
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