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  • By Pat Baustian, mayor, city of Luverne
    June 29, 2021
    I was recently invited, among other community leaders across the state, to be a Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Ambassador. As ambassadors, it will be our focus to promote and encourage fellow Minnesotans to get the COVID-19 vaccine. I plan to continue communicating through the Rock County Star Herald to help inform, educate, promote and put aside any misinformation that citizens of Luverne and Rock…
  • June 15, 2021
    One day last week something remarkable happened. Quietly, almost imperceptibly, Rock County hit a milestone with its COVID-19 data. While our masks were getting lost in glove boxes and purse pockets, and while we crowded together at Buffalo Days and began planning for the Fourth of July, and while we ramped up our social schedules after a pandemic year of isolation … … Rock County reached 20…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    June 02, 2020
    I wear my coronavirus mask more often than not, but not 100 percent of the time, which I probably should. I kind of relate the habit of wearing the mask to wearing my seatbelt in the car. When the recommendation to wear your seatbelt first came out, it was done so as a way to save lives. Wearing one’s seatbelt was voluntary at first, and very little compliance was the result of said…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    May 26, 2020
    Staying positive was one of my main goals as the pandemic began to impact us in mid-March. As the weeks – and  now months – have gone on, it’s gotten somewhat harder to stay positive for me, and maybe for you, too.  In order to focus on the positive, I’ve been making a mental list of the changes COVID-19 has brought that I hope remain long term.  Or, to use popular pandemic phrases, these are the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 12, 2020
    My vision for the future is unclear, mostly because I can’t see through my bangs. Whoever said hair styling is not an essential service has not seen me with eight bobby pins holding the hair out of my eyes. I’ve always had short hair with short bangs, not the sheepdog bangs I have now. As a little girl, I experienced various methods of bang trimming. The Scotch tape method involved placing a…
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