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proof of insurance

  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota State Patrol
    July 06, 2021
    Question: What is the law with regard to insurance cards?  I was told it must always be available in the vehicle and then I was told that if you do not have it, there is no fine if you produce it within three days. What exactly are the statutes with regard to having your driver's license on you while driving?  Answer: The driver of the vehicle is required to provide current proof of…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    March 12, 2019
    Question: Can a person “carry” an electronic insurance card on a smart phone? For example, I’ve had my insurance company send my card by email, which I downloaded to my phone. Is this legal, or does a person need to have the paper version? Thanks much in advance! Answer: It would be acceptable if the driver or registered owner is able to show the current auto insurance electronically (mobile…
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