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Star Herald Editorial

Down — To the petition effort to recall Luverne Council member Maynard Lafrenz. If for every council vote we disagree with, we have a petition circulating to get someone out of office, it will be impossible to continue business without an ongoing cycle of recalls.Down — On the same subject again, a down to David Hauge and people who claim the Star Herald was intimidating petition signers by planning to publish their names. If people are embarrassed to be publicly affiliated with the process, then they should question the merits of the process itself. If they aren’t proud to sign their name to something and be known for it — then they shouldn’t sign it.Up — To the Luverne Public Works crew who helped the City Park bounce back and look great even after a muddy Buffalo Days. We are sure it will look even better by the time they have it ready for Relay for Life.Down — To Section 3AA athletic planners who schedule a baseball tournament in Granite Falls for Pipestone and Luverne. The towns are only 30 miles from each other but both teams will have to travel 100 miles one way to play ball. What a waste.Up — To Relay for Life teams and volunteers who have been busy raising money for the good cause of the American Cancer Society. See the story for details on this weekend’s events.Up — To Relay for Life volunteer Nancy Kaczrowski, who is stepping down this year after five years of working on the event. Her energy and enthusiasm for this and other local causes are priceless. The world could certainly use more Nancy Kaczrowskis.The Star Herald welcomes submissions from readers for Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down editorials. The Rock County Star Herald Editorial Board is comprised of Roger Tollefson, Rick Peterson, Lori Ehde and Sara Quam.

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