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Sioux Valley offers foot, toe clinic in Luverne

By Lori EhdeCaring for feet and toenails is a necessary part of personal health and hygiene, but for some people it can be difficult to tend to those lower extremities.Nurses at Sioux Valley Medical Center, Luverne, have noticed a need for foot and toenail services and are planning to start offering a "foot clinic" on a regular basis."There’s such a need for it," said RN Jamie Reisdorfer. "As people get older, their toenails get mycotic — or really thick — and are difficult to cut."She attended an inservice and clinicals two weeks ago on foot care so that she’s able to offer the specialized service.All nurses can trim toenails, but the certification will allow Reisdorfer and another nurse to offer more specialized care, "intermediate foot care," that can include nippers and a Dremmel tool.The clinic will include foot care education, assessment and toenail cutting."It targets our elderly population," Reisdorfer said. "It is especially helpful to the population that struggles trimming toenails due to their own health, trouble in reaching toes, or toenails that are too thick. We have been trained to cut the thick toenails. … There is a tremendous need for this."Most insurance companies do not cover the service, but Reisdorfer said most people are happy to pay the $25 fee for the foot care."You’ll pay $35 or more for a pedicure, so it’s not out of line," Reisdorfer said. "And we’re offering education besides."

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