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Sale will benefit school-age children

To help curb the rising costs of getting students prepared for the start of a new school year, the Steen Reformed Outreach Committee has organized a Back-to-School Yard Sale.The sale will feature new and used clothing, school supplies and toys that have been donated by the community. Each item, regardless of value, will sell for only 25 cents.The group is keeping the price low to prevent any family from being excluded. They saw a need to reach out to the community and help young families with tight budgets."Gas prices are high, rent and mortgages are climbing, clothes are extremely expensive and most families can’t afford to buy their kids all new clothing and school supplies," said youth pastor Brian Dengler, a member of the group. "This hopefully with help them out."Items will be for sale in the Steen City Hall at the corner of Steen Street and Sanford Avenue in the evenings, Monday through Friday, Aug. 14-18.The group encourages families from the outlying areas to participate in the sale, both with donations and as buyers. They are looking for donations of gently used or new clothing, toys for young children and school supplies. Donations can be dropped of at the Steen Reformed Church prior to the sale. The sale is being geared toward school-age children, so donations should reflect those sizes."We would like to see people from northwest Iowa, Luverne, Beaver Creek, Hills and wherever come to Steen and take advantage of this opportunity," Dengler said.Free pop and popcorn will be offered to shoppers.This is the first time the Outreach Committee has organized an event of this kind, and Dengler said it might be the first in Rock County. Community donations are going to make the event a success. They anticipate they will have plenty of families stopping in Steen that week and want to ensure they have plenty of quality items on the sale."We are really unsure as to what the response will be from the community, but we have high hopes that this will make a positive impact on young families’ lives," Dengler said.He said the group does not intend to make any money at the event; they just want to help local families. If at the end of the week they still have clothing that didn’t sell, they will donate it to the Worthington Thrift Store.Steen Back-to-School Yard Sale6 p.m. – 8 p.m. August 14-18Steen City Hall

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