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Runway plans take off

By Sara QuamLuverne’s airport runway expansion project might not be as far away as expected.In 2004, the number of uses per year wasn’t high enough for federal and state funding to come through, and the project was delayed until about 2008.Now, however, a new count estimate has large planes using the runway 576 times annually. (Past estimates were about 120.)With the new flight and landing projections, the Department of Aeronautics is expected to approve the plan, and the next step is an environmental assessment. The appropriate zoning is already in place.An anonymous business came forward to say it would use the runway 200 times.City Councilman and Airport Board Member Pat Baustian said, "Five hundred is the magic number to get a 4,200 foot runway."Luverne’s runway is currently the shortest in the state at 2,500 feet. Baustian said, "We’ve gotten a lot of good letters of support from businesses that carry a lot of weight."The following verified how many times they expected to use larger aircraft that require a longer runway: First Farmers and Merchants Bank, Skydive Adventures, Ton Lien, Agri-Energy, Vets Home Advantage, Life Flight, Mark Jacobson Inc., WR Berkley and WR Berkley clients. "The people of Luverne need to understand that 95 percent of the funding for this is federal. A very minute share comes directly from the citizens of Luverne," Baustian said.There are also state funding options.Baustian said, "The new runway is a piece of infrastructure that a thriving community needs."In other city business Tuesday, the Luverne City Council:oApproved an additional $20,000 payment to the Rock County Pool and Fitness Center, contingent on Rock County contributing the same amount.Both government bodies discussed the payment as a one-time coverage of "bad debt." Previous accounting practices recorded income as members signed up, not as they paid. That meant that some people joined and didn’t pay in full and the accounting was inaccurate over a number of years. City Administrator Greg La Fond said accounting will be handled differently now. "We would like to present a fair and meaningful representation of the finances," he said.In fact, it may be a requirement that all members pay in full, either by cash, check or credit card, rather than allowing a monthly pay option.oReceived a report on the efforts of the Public Works Department to finish tree trimming. The Aug. 3 windstorm damaged many trees that didn’t have to be completely removed, and the department has been able to work on trimming city trees through the winter.Workers will probably be finished with it within three weeks.oApproved a permit for the Luverne Area Community Foundation to have a raffle at the Blue Mound Banquet Center April 22 in conjunction with the annual Hospice Charity Dinner and Auction.

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