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Room with a view

As I write this column Monday morning, it is gray outside and the forecast is a high of just 70 degrees. So I’m wondering, where did the summer go? A few days in Omaha and some trips to see family in North Dakota don’t exactly make the meatiest of scrapbook material.Even the backyard fire pit I wanted so badly for my birthday fell short of its potential, having seen a blaze just twice.I did a little unscientific poll, and these are some suggestions for what to do before the end of summer:
Remove the Christmas lights from around the roof.
Retrieve children from whatever summer camp or friend’s house they’ve gone missing to.
Go to the drive-in.
Spend every spare minute outside, especially if you have a pool so you can get your money’s worth.
Make s’mores.
Golf, go to the races, go to the park or do whatever you might be getting sick of doing by the end of summer — remembering that you’ll be craving it by next spring.
Winterize or spray for de-bugging the house where necessary.
Walk or ride bike to work.
Find something other than BLTs to make with those fresh, ripe tomatoes everyone is either selling or giving away. While you’re at it, freeze some zucchini and sweet corn.
Send thank-you notes from last spring’s graduation gifts.
Make your kids go to bed on time, so mornings aren’t miserable for the start of school.
Clean out your closets to switch over to fall wardrobe more smoothly.
Hang some laundry outside because you won’t be able to for long.
Re-grow hair that was burnt off by grilling mishaps.As for me, now that the weather is cooling, I can actually enjoy my fire pit more than I have on these recent hot summer nights.

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