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Room with a view

Just like the "swing" votes we hear talked about on national news, it’s up in the air which candidate is favored for city of Luverne offices. So, local turnout is that much more important this year. With the presidential election at issue, I have faith that next week’s election gets a high turnout.Although the national and state elections are fun to watch and keep us guessing who the winners will be, this paper focuses on things of importance in Rock County. And there are important issues on this ballot.This one will include the option of allowing Sunday liquor licenses, a school referendum, and potential changes in local leadership. The last city of Luverne election was all but determined on candidates’ opinions on whether a funeral home should be built on Fledgling Field. There were new Luverne City Council members and a new sheriff elected in 2000. Also in 2000, people voted against funding a remodeling project for the Law Enforcement Center.This year the issue of joint police and sheriff’s department has been hotly debated and could determine how people vote for city candidates.This paper has put out both sides of that issue for months, and the candidates’ views on it were outlined in last week’s paper for readers to consider.The Sunday liquor issue doesn’t seem to have gotten much attention but deserves thought on the voters’ part. The school referendum has a lot of support, but it’s true that renters and property owners will have to pay if it’s passed. Whichever choice you make at the polls is up to you, and I won’t try to sway your vote. (I’ve already got in enough trouble sticking to the news.) What matters is showing up.As Annabelle Frakes rightly states in her letter to the editor this week, "Consider voting a responsibility and please study the issues, listen to the candidates, make an informed decision and cast your ballot on Nov. 2."

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