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Room with a view

Maybe it’s a compliment to be taken for granted. If that’s true, then city of Luverne residents are giving their local government a huge pat on the back year after year.Even in times of scary budget cuts, not many people showed concern that leaders would find a way to make it work.That was one thing I came away thinking after the special Luverne City Council visioning session Monday. While this Council didn’t establish everything that makes our city great to live in, the Council is dedicated to keeping the positive things we have.Consider all the things we take for granted the city will provide us: oFall leaf pick-up — Curbside vacuuming of raked leaves is above what I’d ever expect.oJunk days — We can get rid of things that don’t fit in our dumpsters. I don’t have to try to make a trip to the landfill with whatever I can fit in my Stratus.oGarbage and recycling — Other than the stable curbside service, having city-provided dumpsters is one part of this program that is nice, too. That means neighborhoods look tidy on garbage day without aluminum and various colored plastic bins lining the streets. oEvent help — The city of Luverne provides help and doesn’t get paid for special event work like Relay for Life and Hot Dog Night.I think city residents can be compared to spoiled children who finally realize how good we have it when we spend time in other cities — whether the cities are our size or not.We assume projects, such as the electric line burying or constant work to keep and draw businesses, will always be here.Those are things the city government doesn’t have to do, but does.Next up for this Council and city staff are things like: hiring an administrator, improving relationships with other governmental units, developing a campground and finding a use for the old hospital.Special meetings like the one Monday night keep the Council unified and help residents to look forward as well.

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