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10 years ago (1994)"The Rock County Board voted unanimously to deny a request by landowners to mine gravel in Section 19 of Vienna Township just east of Blue Mounds State Park.Their decision Tuesday was prompted by a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Committee. At the committee’s June 11 meeting, members unanimously voted to deny Carlene Scott’s request to allow gravel extraction as a conditional use in the A-1 zone.The primary reason for denying the request, they said, was that the ordinance in the A-1 district specifically excludes gravel extraction as an allowable conditional use. A change in the ordinance in that A-1 district would have to apply to A-1 districts all over the county.25 years ago (1979)"County Commissioners have directed the law enforcement study committee to determine what, if anything, can be done to update existing buildings for continued use as law enforcement and court facilities.They also have asked the committee to determine what is required by the region and state with respect to law enforcement and crime prevention, and what the court system requires in the way of facilities."50 years ago (1954)"The Pix Theatre will be a thing of the past very soon as Herman Jochims announced that the Pix has been closed permanently. The trend that has prevailed in the movie industry the past few years which has found the number of movie houses being closed is going to prevail in Luverne.… Said Mr. Jochims, ‘Attendance has dropped, like it has in all other parts of the country. There was only one common sense decision we could make and that was close the Pix and concentrate our efforts on the Palace.’"75 years ago (1929)"A large number of our residents are getting in the habit of going to the Palace Theatre at Luverne, and all are loud in their praise of the Vitaphone, which is the best of its kind in these parts."100 years ago (1904)"Garretson is making an effort to secure a flour mill. A similar effort has been made here in the past, but there seems to be a question in the minds of some as to whether such an enterprise would pay out. Luverne has one of the best flour mills in the west and the Luverne flour is without an equal anywhere, yet any amount of flour is shipped into Luverne and put into direct competition with the local product, and the same is the case all over."

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