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Remember when

10 years ago (1995)
Rural Connections, Jackson, has signed a contract with Berkley Information Services, Luverne, to bring Internet access to the company and, thus, to Rock County. People can communicate over the Internet and can read newspaper, and listen to radio and television broadcasts.
A Jasper company called Hi-Fat Specialties, owned by Ron Sievert, is a pioneer in soybean processing. 25 years ago (1980)
The city of Luverne is asking the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to ease up on standards for discharging treated sewer water back into the Rock River. The city says it already pumps more clean water into the river than is already in the river.
County commissioners said they would offer a bigger schedule for the senior citizen mini bus. 50 years ago (1955)
Two inductees from Rock County for the armed forces are Walter Baustian and Franklin Dirks.
Luverne will be visited by all children’s favorite actor in the Christmas season play when old Santa Claus himself comes to town. Drawings for free merchandise prizes donated by Luverne merchants will be after the program at the circus stand.
A total of 101 deer hunting permits were sold through the Rock County Auditor’s Office for this season. 75 years ago (1930)
Plans for organizing a Community Glee Club were considered at a meeting of singers held Thursday evening of last week. The club is to constitute a unit of the United Norwegian Singers of America and will affiliate with the national society.
Five Rock County men were arrested in a prohibition enforcement wave.
A recreational firm from Sioux Falls has installed an 18-hole indoor miniature golf course at the Luverne Armory, which will be opened to the public. It will be maintained throughout the winter if it proves to be a paying proposition.100 years ago (1905)
The Episcopal Church society has purchased the residence of W.E.E. Greene at the corner of Estey and Crawford streets, for the purposes of a parsonage.
H. Bierkamp, who owns the livery barn property on the corner of McKenzie and Lincoln streets, is having extensive improvements made in the property, which has been vacant for some time.

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