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Remember when?

10 years ago (1995)
To comply with gender equity in sports offerings, the Luverne High School announced plans to add fast-pitch softball as an option.
Robert De Yong, Luverne, discovered a bit of history when he remodeled his house at 304 South Donaldson. There was an 1885 issue of the St. Paul Pioneer Press that had an article about Frank James, the "notorious bandit." The newspaper had been placed inside the home’s walls as insulation. 25 years ago (1980)
Stan Soutar was the new chairman of the County Board of Commissioners.
Seven girls competed for the County Pork Queen title: Darcy Burmeister, Janelle Severtson, Terri Birkeland, Nila Hanson, LaDonna Cleveringa, Barbara Willers and Shelly Seeman.50 years ago (1955)
149 Rock County individuals and business firms would pay more than $200 each in personal property taxes
Magnolia and Beaver Creek planned March of Dimes benefits to raise money for polio research.
Robin Hood flour was $3.98 for 50 pounds; country sausage was 39¢ per pound, and dog food was $2.69 for 25 pounds at Kenny’s Super Value.75 years ago (1930)
Luverne Telephone Exchange was one of a few under investigation for excessive earnings, and was ordered to show cause why rates couldn’t be reduced.
"H.O. Bakken, of Beaver Creek township, owns a cow that should be entitled to the record for prolificacy, for she has given birth to six calves within two years, and all but one are living."100 years ago (1905)
"Farmers near the Mounds report that on several occasions a pack of wolves has been seen running about the fields. As many as seven have been counted in one drove, which is the largest that has been seen in this section for many years."
The Luverne Automobile company plans to have 10 machines completed by April 1.

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