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Remember when

10 years ago (1996)
Luverne Fire Apparatus has contracted with the city of Izmir Turkey to manufacture 20 pumpers. Fire fighters from that city were in Luverne touring the plant this week.
Mary Jane Brown Good Samaritan Center is planning a congregate care facility on the west side of Luverne.25 years ago (1981)
Hills-Beaver Creek School voted to pull out of the Blue Mound Cooperative Center.
A proposal for a county-city law enforcement center is back on the shelf. Last week the proposal seemed to be a step closer to reality when the Luvenre City Council provided "unqualified support" for the project.50 years ago (1956)
Nita Lien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lien, Beaver Creek, became the first Augustana student to receive the "Danny Grad" scholarship award, made available by the Danforth Foundation for students doing outstanding work in that school.The award amounts to a $1,600 scholarship which will give her a year of post graduate study in her chosen field of parish work.75 years ago (1931)
The people of Beaver Creek have formed a Commercial Club with 35 business members.
Receiver C.F. Fiman, of the First & Farmers National bank, yesterday announced that it would likely be possible to open the Luverne bank for the admission of patrons sometime during the fore part of nest week.100 years ago (1906)
At a meeting of the board of supervisors of Martin Township held at the office of Deputy Clerk Nuffer Thursday a contract was let to P.N. Gilham of Luverne for a steel and cement bridge across the big slough near the Viste Farm. The contract price is $1,250 and the supervisors are to furnish all sand and gravel which will make the net cost of the bridge, if all labor had to be paid in cash, about $1,500. This will be the second substantial bridge in the township and is a very commendable start and points to better roads and bridges in this county.

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